A python youtube music player
It has been written in python3. It is a CLI music player that downloads audios from youtube videos, and then plays them.
Also It works with youtube lists.
chmod +x ./linux/*
).cd ./linux
) to create the virtual enviroment, where all dependencies will be installed../install-dependencies.sh
) to install required dependencies, that are defined in requirements.txt.It is necessary a text file with all urls of youtube videos that you want to play.
You should name the file urls.list.
In windows It is mandatory that the encoding format be ANSI.
The configuration of the player is in the file youtubePlayer.conf.
By default this file contains this:
If you want to add this script as usable command in your console, you will edit the file ~/.bashrc
and add to the end of the file the next line alias youtube-player='cd /path/of/your/installation/youtube_music_player/linux;./exec.sh'
Execute the script ./windows/exec.bat
Now this project is in beta, the management of signals to properly close resources is not yet implemented.
And in a future I want to implement a GUI.
I want to thank the creators of VLC (VideoLan),
pafy library ( mps-youtube) and youtube-dl library.
Any contributions are highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a
pull request on gitHub.
GPL v3 License.