项目作者: faoztas

项目描述 :
Telegram SpeedTest Bot
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/faoztas/speeedy.git
创建时间: 2020-01-21T10:40:22Z

开源协议:MIT License


speeedy Go Report Card Codacy Badge GolangCI Go 1.13+ platforms MIT license

Speeedy is a SpeedTest Telegram bot. Speedtest only runs on the machine it is installed on. Speedtest can also be run routinely with Job.

I developed this bot because I was curious about the performance of the my ISP.


  • Go 1.13+
  • Vgo (Go Module)
  • Telegram
  • SpeedTest Cli

Installing speeedy and Run

  • Create a telegram bot with BotFather and get token of created bot.
  • Download SpeedTest CLI and moves to the project directory.
  • Set required environment variables and path
  1. $ cd $GOPATH/src
  2. $ mkdir github.com
  3. $ cd github.com
  4. $ git clone git@github.com:faoztas/speeedy.git
  5. $ cd speeedy # config.toml template is filled. Moves to the project directory.
  6. $ export GO111MODULE=on # manually active module mode
  7. $ go mod init # manually e.g., $ go mod init github.com/my/repo
  8. $ go mod tidy # This command allows you to fetch all the dependencies that you need for testing in your module.
  9. $ go build -o speeedy # Or $ go run .
  10. $ ./speeedy

How to use

If you want to Speed Test please write /test.

  1. /test # default basic test
  2. /test details # speed test with extras argument
  3. /test image # send image with speed test
  4. /test server 1234 # speed test with specific server

If you want to learn Server List please write /servers.

  1. /servers # nearly 10 speedtest server

If you want to learn Past test results please write /last.

  1. /last # last result
  2. /last 5 # last 5 results
  3. /best # best result
  4. /worst # worst result