项目作者: flownative

项目描述 :
The Local Beach client written in Go
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/flownative/localbeach.git
创建时间: 2020-01-17T09:54:38Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



Local Beach

Local Beach is a development environment for Neos CMS and Flow Framework.
Under the hood, it’s using Docker, and the official Beach Docker images (Nginx, PHP and Redis). You don’t need a Beach
account nor be a Flownative customer in order to use Local Beach because Local Beach is
free (as in free beer, or free coffee).

This README currently only contains basic information about Local Beach. You may find more information on the
Local Beach website.

These are the setup instructions for Local Beach.
Currently, automatic installation via Homebrew is supported.


  1. brew tap flownative/flownative
  2. brew install localbeach
  3. beach version


Some random notes about the internals of Local Beach:

  • beach setup is automatically invoked by Homebrew when Local Beach is installed
  • the base path for Local Beach is ~/Library/Application Support/Flownative/Local Beach/ on macOS and
    ~/.Flownative/Local Beach/ on other systems


To build the binary, run make. It does this:

  1. rm -f assets/compiled.go
  2. go generate -v
  3. go install -v
  4. go build -v -ldflags "-X github.com/flownative/localbeach/pkg/version.Version=dev" -o beach

For a slightly quicker build, use make compile.

Credits and Support

This library was developed by Robert Lemke with major contributions by Karsten Dambekalns and Christian Müller. Feel
free to suggest new features, report bugs or provide bug fixes in our GitHub project.

Copyright 2019-2024 Robert Lemke, Karsten Dambekalns, Christian Müller, licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.