项目作者: rtCamp

项目描述 :
WordPress theme using Rest API and Vue.js
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/rtCamp/VueTheme.git
创建时间: 2017-03-31T08:40:00Z



⚠️Please note that the development on this has been discountinued as we are focusing more on ReactJS.

VueTheme - WordPress Theme + VueJs

WordPress theme using WP REST API and VueJs 2 by rtCamp.
This theme is base theme for WordPress theme developers.

How to use?

  1. Go to your WP theme directory (in /wp-content/theme/)
  2. Clone / Download this repo
  3. Activate your theme from WordPress theme’s backend
  4. This theme will display menu which has set display location to Primary Menu.
  5. Make sure you fulfill all the requirements before using theme. (See Requirements)

How to use it for development?

  1. Go to your WP theme directory & navigate to VueTheme.
  2. Install dependencies npm install
  3. Make sure you add define( 'RT_VUE_DEV', true ); in wp-config.php to get asset files from webpack dev server.
  4. To start dev server with hot reload npm run dev
  5. To create build for production with minification npm run build


Frameworks / Packages used