Use an image from as your background image from a simple command.
Use an image from as your background image from a simple command.
This downloads an image from
and assigns it as the background image for the active main screen.
Tested on Mac, Windows and Ubuntu. (should work on every Linux).
$ npm i -g unsplash-wallpaper
# Yarn
$ yarn global add unsplash-wallpaper
$ unsplash-wallpaper --help
-r, --random
Get a random image.
$ unsplash-wallpaper --random
-a, --daily
Get a fixed daily image.
$ unsplash-wallpaper --user erondu --daily
-e, --weekly
Get a fixed weekly image.
$ unsplash-wallpaper --search water --weekly
-f, --featured
Limit the results to the curated collections.
$ unsplash-wallpaper -f --search montreal
-w, --width {Number}
Set the width of desired image.
$ unsplash-wallpaper --width 2880 --save-config
-h, --height {Number}
Set the height of desired image.
$ unsplash-wallpaper --width 2880 --height 1800 --save-config
-d, --dir {String}
Download the image to a specific directory.
"." uses the current working directory.
"./" stores the current working directory even when it changes.
$ unsplash-wallpaper --dir "/Users/Shared
$ unsplash-wallpaper --dir "C:UsersPublic
$ unsplash-wallpaper -d .
-s, --save-config
Saves any width, height or dir value in a config file.
$ unsplash-wallpaper -s --width 1600 --height 1200
Leave the values blank to reset width and height:
$ unsplash-wallpaper -whs
-p, --photo {PHOTO ID}
Get a specific image by the photo ID.
$ unsplash-wallpaper -p WLUHO9A_xik
$ unsplash-wallpaper --photo="-oWyJoSqBRM"
-c, --category {CATEGORY NAME}
Get a photo in a category.
$ unsplash-wallpaper --category nature
-u, --user {USERNAME}
Get a photo from a specific user.
$ unsplash-wallpaper -u erondu
-l, --likes {USERNAME}
Get a photo liked by a user.
$ unsplash-wallpaper --likes jackie
-o, --collection {COLLECTION ID}
Get a photo apart of a specific collection.
$ unsplash-wallpaper --collection 190727
-q, --search {KEYWORD,KEYWORD}
Get a photo from a search query.
$ unsplash-wallpaper -q nature,water
$ unsplash-wallpaper -q="water falls"
-v, --version
This program wouldn’t be possible without