Java AWT/Swing GUI client for JSON communication with my public available name day REST service. Built by the Gradle.
The Java AWT/Swing GUI application for finding name days for the name or for the date built by the Gradle. It is the client that communicates using JSONs with my own name day REST service.
For the operation there must be the name or date field specified.
Now in March 2020 my version of Java is (OpenJDK) 12.0.2 and my version of Gradle is 5.2.1. I also successfully tested old Java version (SE) 1.7.0_80 and Gradle 4.10.3.
The current Java compatibility setting in the project is the version 1.7. If You want to set the version 1.8 or newer, please change the line sourceCompatibility = 1.7
of build.gradle file.
(the Java machine executable must be located on %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe)git clone
gradle assemble build createExe
java -jar build/libs/namedayrestclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Warning - both files settings.gradle and build.gradle have the Windows line endings (CR+LF), not Linux line endings (LF)
[Gradle Build Tool]: