A simple MQTT client written in go that subscribes to a configurable list of MQTT topics on the specified broker and executes a given shell script/command whenever a message arrives.
A simple MQTT client written in go that subscribes to a configurable list of MQTT topics on the specified broker and
executes a given shell script/command whenever a message arrives. Furthermore you can define commands that are executed
in a configurable interval. This can be useful for sensor data. Also this application supports Homeassitant
mqtt descovery.
You can build it on your own (you will need golang installed):
go build -a -installsuffix cgo ./cmd/mqtt-executor/
Or you can download the release binaries: here
Create a configuration file named “config.json”
"availability": {
"topic": "tele/__DEVICE_ID__/status",
"payload": {
"available": "On",
"unavailable": "Off"
"trigger": [{
"name": "Touch file",
"topic": "cmnd/touch/file",
"command": {
"name": "/usr/bin/touch",
"arguments": ["/tmp/example"]
"sensor": [{
"name": "Free Memory",
"topic": "tele/__DEVICE_ID__/memory/free",
"retained": false,
"unit": "kB", //used for hassio
"icon": "hass:eye", //used for hassio
"interval": "10s",
"command": {
"name": "/bin/sh",
"arguments": [
"cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemFree | cut -d\\: -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | grep -o [0-9]*"
"multi_sensor": [{
"topic": "tele/__DEVICE_ID__/stats",
"retained": false,
"interval": "10s",
"command": {
"name": "/bin/sh",
"arguments": [
"{\"mem\":1, \"cpu\":2}"
"values": [{
"name": "Memory",
"unit": "kB", //used for hassio
"icon": "hass:eye", //used for hassio
"template": "{{value_json.mem}}" //used for hassio
"name": "CPU",
"unit": "%", //used for hassio
"icon": "hass:eye", //used for hassio
"template": "{{value_json.cpu}}" //used for hassio
Start the tool with the path to the config file and the URL of the MQTT broker
mqtt-executor -broker tcp:// -config /path/to/config.json
Enable the Homeassitant discovery support
mqtt-executor -broker tcp:// -config /path/to/config.json -home-assistant
To execute a trigger:
mosquitto_pub -t cmnd/touch/file -m "START"
To interrupt a trigger
mosquitto_pub -t cmnd/touch/file -m "STOP"
Read the trigger state:
mosquitto_sub -t cmnd/touch/file/STATE
Read the trigger result (command’s output):
mosquitto_sub -t cmnd/touch/file/RESULT
Read the trigger state:
mosquitto_sub -t cmnd/touch/file/STATE
Read the trigger result (command’s output):
mosquitto_sub -t cmnd/touch/file/RESULT
Read the trigger state:
mosquitto_sub -t tele/+/memory/free