Bunch of click parameters to use
A bunch of useful click parameter types.
I often find myself wanting to use a click parameter able to handle list of strings, so I decide to put this in a library
and I ended adding more parameter types that can be useful for various scripts including network, mathematics and so on.
pip install click-params
click-params starts working from python 3.8. It has a few dependencies:
import click
from click_params import Ipv4AddressListParamType
@click.option('-a', '--addresses', help='list of ipv4 addresses', prompt='list of ipv4 addresses to reserve',
def pool(addresses):
click.echo('reserved ips:')
for ip in addresses:
$ pool --addresses=','
reserved ips:
You can change the default separator “,” by passing it when initializing the parameter type.
Documentation is available at https://click-params.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.