项目作者: osa-decentralized

项目描述 :
The easy to use database connector that allows one-command operations between PySpark and PostgreSQL or ClickHouse databases.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/osa-decentralized/pyspark_db_utils.git
创建时间: 2018-04-02T11:02:36Z

开源协议:MIT License



It helps you with your DB deals in Spark



Example of using

You need jdbc drivers for using this lib!
Just get drivers from
and put it in jars/ directory in your project

Example settings:

  1. settings = {
  3. "user": "user",
  4. "password": "pass",
  5. "driver": "org.postgresql.Driver"
  6. },
  7. "PG_DRIVER_PATH": "jars/postgresql-42.1.4.jar",
  8. "PG_URL": "jdbc:postgresql://db.olabs.com/dbname",
  9. }

Example of code

see example.py

Example of run

  1. vsmelov@vsmelov:~/PycharmProjects/pyspark_db_utils$ mkdir jars
  2. vsmelov@vsmelov:~/PycharmProjects/pyspark_db_utils$ cp /var/bigdata/spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7/jars/postgresql-42.1.4.jar ./jars/
  3. vsmelov@vsmelov:~/PycharmProjects/pyspark_db_utils$ python3 pyspark_db_utils/example.py
  4. host: ***SECRET***
  5. db: ***SECRET***
  6. user: ***SECRET***
  7. password: ***SECRET***
  8. Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-defaults.properties
  9. Setting default log level to "WARN".
  10. To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
  11. 18/03/05 11:43:29 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
  12. 18/03/05 11:43:29 WARN Utils: Your hostname, vsmelov resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface wlp2s0)
  13. 18/03/05 11:43:29 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
  14. TRY: create df
  15. OK: create df
  16. +---+-----------+
  17. | id| mono_id|
  18. +---+-----------+
  19. | 1| 0|
  20. | 2| 1|
  21. | 3| 2|
  22. | 4| 3|
  23. | 5| 8589934592|
  24. | 6| 8589934593|
  25. | 7| 8589934594|
  26. | 8| 8589934595|
  27. | 9| 8589934596|
  28. | 10|17179869184|
  29. | 11|17179869185|
  30. | 12|17179869186|
  31. | 13|17179869187|
  32. | 14|17179869188|
  33. | 15|25769803776|
  34. | 16|25769803777|
  35. | 17|25769803778|
  36. | 18|25769803779|
  37. | 19|25769803780|
  38. +---+-----------+
  39. TRY: write_to_pg
  40. OK: write_to_pg
  41. TRY: read_from_pg
  42. OK: read_from_pg
  43. +---+-----------+
  44. | id| mono_id|
  45. +---+-----------+
  46. | 10|17179869184|
  47. | 11|17179869185|
  48. | 12|17179869186|
  49. | 13|17179869187|
  50. | 14|17179869188|
  51. | 1| 0|
  52. | 2| 1|
  53. | 3| 2|
  54. | 4| 3|
  55. | 5| 8589934592|
  56. | 6| 8589934593|
  57. | 7| 8589934594|
  58. | 8| 8589934595|
  59. | 9| 8589934596|
  60. | 15|25769803776|
  61. | 16|25769803777|
  62. | 17|25769803778|
  63. | 18|25769803779|
  64. | 19|25769803780|
  65. | 1| 0|
  66. +---+-----------+
  67. only showing top 20 rows