Command Line Parser
Simple command line parser for node
npm install clparser
const clp = require("clparser");
const parser = new clp.ClParser({
offset: <number>, // default: 2
optionPrefix: <string>, // "/", "-", or "--", default: "/"
caseSensitive: <boolean> // default: false
parser.offset Number, default: 2
parser.optionPrefix String, "/", "-", or "--", default: "/"
parser.parameterCount Number of parameters (readonly, no options or switches)
parser.options Array of objects [{ option<1>: value }, ..., { option<n>: value }] (readonly).
Does not follow the caseSensitive option.
parser.parameters Array (readonly, no options or switches)
parser.switches Array of strings [ switch<1>, ..., switch<n> ] (readonly).
Does not follow the caseSensitive option.
parser.option(name) Get the value of the named option
parser.parameter(index) Get the command line parameter indicated by index
parser.switch(name) Returns boolean value that indicates whether the named switch exist
const clp = require("clparser");
offset: <number>, // default: 2
optionPrefix: <string>, // "/", "-", or "--", default: "/"
caseSensitive: <boolean> // default: false
parser.getOption(name) Returns the value of the named option.
parser.getOptions() Returns an array of option objects
[{ option<1>: value }, ..., { option<n>: value }] (readonly).
Does not follow the caseSensitive option.
parser.getParameter(index) Returns the command line parameter indicated by index.
parser.getParameterCount() Returns the number of parameters (no options or switches).
parser.getParameters() Returns parameters as array (no options or switches).
parser.isSwitch(name) Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the named switch exist.
parser.getSwitches() Return an array of strings [ switch<1>, ..., switch<n> ] (readonly).
Does not follow the caseSensitive option.
>node test.js /command:copy source.txt "target 42.txt" /silent /i /tries:3
const clp = require("clparser");
const parser = new clp.ClParser({ offset: 2 });
console.log(parser.option("command")) -> "copy"
console.log(parser.options) -> [{ command: "copy", tries:"3" }]
console.log(parser.parameterCount) -> 2
console.log(parser.parameters) -> ["source.txt","target.txt"]
console.log(parser.parameter(0)) -> "source.txt"
console.log(parser.parameter(1)) -> "target 42.txt"
console.log(parser.switch("silent")) -> true
console.log(parser.switches) -> ["silent","i"]