gRPC client-server application
wallet-proto gRPC Service Interface (API).
wallet-server keeps track of a users monetary balance in the system.
wallet-client emulates users depositing and withdrawing funds.
Install PostgreSQL, then:
# Open command line from project directory and Login to PostgreSQL server
psql -U postgres -h localhost
# Create User
CREATE USER wallet_user WITH password 'wallet_pass';
# Create Database
CREATE DATABASE wallet OWNER wallet_user;
# Change owner of schema "public"
ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO wallet_user;
# Logout from PostgreSQL server
# Create Database Data
psql -U wallet_user -d wallet -a -f db-setup/create-db.sql
# Insert Initial Data
psql -U wallet_user -d wallet -a -f db-setup/init-db.sql
Build the project
# From project directory run
./gradlew build
To run the Java server and client locally:
# Start the server (listens on port 8980)
java -jar wallet-server/build/libs/wallet-server-1.0.jar
# Run the client (connects to localhost:8980)
java -jar wallet-client/build/libs/wallet-client-1.0.jar