A RPC over AMQP library for Python.
A RPC over AMQP library for Python.
Provide a language-agnostic RPC library to write distributed systems.
with porthos.Client("amqp://guest:guest@broker:5672/myVHost", "SampleService") as c:
# call with a dict body
response = c.call("method").with_dict({"foo": "bar"}).sync()
if response.status_code == porthos.Status.OK:
# extract a dict from the response (if response status code is application/json).
# call with *args body.
response = c.call("method").with_args("foo", "bar").sync()
if response.status_code == porthos.Status.OK:
# call with a str body.
response = c.call("method").with_body("foo").sync()
if response.status_code == porthos.Status.OK:
Not implemented yet.
Pull requests are very much welcomed. Make sure a test or example is included that covers your change.
Docker is being used for the local environment. To build/run/test your code you can bash into the server container:
$ docker-compose run client bash
root@porthos:/usr/src/app# pytest