🚀 Elasticsearch client for AWS that plays nicely with serverless-offline and signed requests
Wrapper around elasticsearch-js client that plays nicely with AWS and serverless. Features include:
environment variable
npm install --save serverless-elasticsearch-client
Use this as you would use the standard elasticsearch-js client.
const createEsClient = require('serverless-elasticsearch-client')
const client = createEsClient({ envPrefix: 'AWS_ES' })
The following options are shared between the two methods below.
{string} if this is set, DDB will look for config in environment variables prefixed by envPrefix
{string} if not set, DDB will look in ${envPrefix}_REGION
. If envPrefix
is not set, it looks atAWS_REGION
. If still not found, when in serverless-offline
mode, it will fall back to localhost
{string} if in serverless-offline
mode, this defaults to http://localhost:8000
{boolean} defaults to true
, if in serverless-offline
mode, it is set to falseoptions
{Object - shared options above or AWS.DynamoDB standard options}Creates an AWS.DynamoDB
with provided options.
var dynamo = require('serverless-elasticsearch-client')
const docClient = dynamo.getClient({
envPrefix: 'AWS_DDB',
maxRetries: 3
{Object - shared options above or AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient standard options}Creates an AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient
with provided options.
var dynamo = require('serverless-elasticsearch-client')
const docClient = dynamo.getDocumentClient({
convertEmptyValues: true
PRs accepted. Note that code uses standard styling.
MIT © Dan Caddigan