项目作者: sarahg177

项目描述 :
My first Milestone Project
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/sarahg177/deep-inaethetics.git
创建时间: 2018-11-29T20:18:46Z



Deep-In Aesthetics

The focus of this project is to build a new website for a newly established aesthetics
company so that their potential customers know who they are, what is on offer and where
to find them. The object is to only use HTML and CSS.


This website is for the customers and potential customers.

User Stories:

For customers

• I want to know what treatments are available

• I want to know what each treatment is, before and after

• I want to know who is administering the treatment

• I want to know where to find the clinic

• I want to be able to contact them through the website

Below is the link for the wire frames I used during the project using Adobe XD



• Brief introduction to the clinic

• Information regarding the clinic, background information of the owner

• What treatments are available

• Photographs of areas of treatments and brief descriptions

• Be able to contact the clinic via a form

• Address of clinic with Google map embedded

• Telephone numbers

Existing features

• Allow users to contact the clinic by filling out the contact form

• Allow users to view treatments and before and after pictures

Feature Left to Implement

• As more treatments become available adding those

Technologies Used



• CSS Flexbox

• Fontawesome


I have tested the functionality of my code on

• Chrome

• Safari

• Mobile browsers

I validated my HTML and CSS code using https://validator.w3.org/ and correct errors such as image alt tags.


I have used cloud 9 to work on the coding of the website: https://ide.c9.io/sgriggs177/deep-in-aesthetics
The website is deployed on GitHub at https://sarahg177.github.io/deep-inaethetics/



Photographs used throughout the project are taken from Adobe Stock and personal photographs taken by myself.
I have included Fontawesome for styling the social links.


I received inspiration for this website mainly from http://www.hamptonaesthetics.com/ and https://www.novaclinic.co.uk/