项目作者: ddRPB
项目描述 :
Web DICOM upload client
项目地址: git://github.com/ddRPB/rpb-uploader.git
The Web DICOM Upload Client is part of the RPB Infrastructure. It facilitates the upload of DICOM data via RESTful web services, provided by the RPB portal. The documentation from user perspective can be found here.
Getting Started
Prerequisits to work with the uploader are the web services, provided by the RPB portal or an alternative implementation with similar functionality.
Clone Repository
git clone git@github.com:ddRPB/rpb-uploader.git
Install Dependencies
In the current version, you need to adjust the parameters:
Interaction with the RPB Portal
- package.json - homepage parameter: change the URL to the location where the Uploader is deployed
- /src/index.js - rpbPortalURL: URL of the RPB portal (web interface)
- /src/index.js - rpbUploadServiceUrl : URL of the RPB portal (web services)
- /src/index.js - portalUploaderParameterLandingPageRelativeUrl : relative path of the URL (+ rpbPortalURL ) to a web page that provides parameters for the Uploader in JSON format
- /src/index.js - portalLandingPageRelativeUrl: relative path of the URL (+ rpbPortalURL ) to the the landing page where the user is redirected to after the upload process has been finished successful
Upload Handling
- /src/index.js - chunkSize: number of files that will be bundled to a chunk that will be uploaded within one request
De-Identification Configuration
- /src/index.js - deIdentificationProfileOption: array of de-identification profiles that will be applied during the upload
Uploader Version Number
- /src/index.js - uploaderVersion: version of the uploader that is used in the UI and the De-identification Method Attribute (0012,0063)
Start the App
yarn start
After the configuration step, you can create a specific release that will be stored in the “dist” folder. Delete the content of the dist folder and run
yarn build-webpack
The generated code can be found in the “dist” folder.
The releases are bound to a specific location. If you want to deploy the uploader individually, just generate the deployable code on your own.