Command line sparql utility
Command line utility for making SPARQL request from a command line.
npm i -g sparql-bin
Create a file test.sparql.txt
with a wikidata SPARQL request inside.
# The rivers which go to the Seine.
SELECT ?river ?riverLabel ?longueur ?superficie
?river wdt:P403 wd:Q1471;
wdt:P2043 ?longueur;
wdt:P2053 ?superficie.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?superficie)
Then do
sparql test.sparql.txt
And you get the result in CSV format.
You can add a second argument to the command. For instance:
sparql test.sparql.txt answer.csv
You can only reach wikidata. The endpoint is hardcoded.
Jean-Louis GUENEGO