HDHomeRun + Plex
Watch Live TV on Plex using HDHomeRun, at home or remotely. Compatibility may vary by Plex Media Server (PMS) version, Plex client version, etc…
This is the best method. HDHR Viewer 2 can be updated easily through the UAS V2 interface.
UAS V2 is available at https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/202282/unsupported-appstore-v2-as-in-totally-unsupported/p1
Copy HDHRViewerV2.bundle to Plex Plug-in Directory.
Copy the folder to Plex Media Server plug-in folder. Read more: How do I find the Plug-Ins folder?
Make sure the directory structure looks like:
|_ HDHRViewerV2.bundle
|_ Contents
Run install scripts included. (Limited OS)
Most Plex clients can’t access the Plug-in Settings/Preferences. Use Plex/Web to configure it.
Open your browser to the Plex Web Admin page, select Channels, and you should see the HDHR Viewer Icon in the list.
If not, then go back to step 1 and correct the location where you copied the plgin package files
Multiple tuners are supported, and tuners are automatically discovered. Tuners can be manually define in HDHomeRun IP. You can manually list multiple tuners, with space delimited. See examples below.
For full automatic discover (requires internet connection). Set HDHomeRun IP:
Example of manual discover + multiple tuner + automatic discovery. Set HDHomeRun IP:
With Plex Media Server 0.9.17.x to 1.3.x, there was a change in the Plex transcoder which caused playback issue on most clients for first time users. To fix this problem, download a short clip from your HDHomeRun device, and add it to your PMS library, and play it. Now try using the HDHR Viewer 2 again.
Download a short clip from your HDHomeRun device using your web browser:
Example (tuner_ip=; channel=2.1; duration=5 seconds):
Add the videos to your Movies or Home Videos library.
Play the video and it should generate the required AC3 codec.
Go to HDHR Viewer 2, and try playing a video stream.
Certain android devices will have issue with playback. This is due to Plex Media Server (PMS) not transcoding the ac3 audio stream to aac properly. You can try to change the audio codec listed Android.xml profile in PMS Resources folder from aac to mp3.
Compatible with HDHomeRun that have DLNA or HTTP streaming capabilities.
Recommended minimum firmware: 20161107
Please use HDSurfer Plug-in for HDHomeRun
Standard Plex requirement for streaming to Plex Home Theater (PHT)
High CPU requirement for transcoding to other clients (Web/Android/Roku/FireTV/etc…). Typical NAS devices may not have capable CPU for transcoding. Not compatible with Nvidia Shields (unless rooted, due to elevated privilages required for File-based functions (XMLTV, icons). I may spin-off another version just for Nvidia Shields, if enough users requeste it.)
Estimated CPU requirement for 1080i MPEGTS transcoding:
CPU requirement may be much lower with PMS Hardware Transcoding Previews.
No client restriction known. Refer to: https://github.com/zynine-/HDHRViewerV2.bundle/wiki/Compatibility-Report
Refer to: https://github.com/zynine-/HDHRViewerV2.bundle/issues/3 * Not applicable to all PMS Versions.
Before you post in the plex forum, please read the following:
There are many different combinations (Hardware, Software, Firmware, Server, Client) possible, I do not have the resources to test every single combination or scenario.
Whenever help is needed, please ALWAYS provide:
If streaming issue:
Optional for streaming:
A 5 second video clip of affected channel.
Feel free to ask questions at: https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/101755/hdhomerun-viewer