项目作者: devosc

项目描述 :
PHP Docker Project
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/devosc/docker.git
创建时间: 2018-10-12T14:49:33Z

开源协议:MIT License


PHP Docker Project

The PHP Docker Project is a toolkit for developing PHP web applications using Docker. Each project contains a Compose file that uses the same build context and provides its own container build arguments, e.g. the version of PHP to use and the development tools to install. In order to run multiple projects at the same time, Traefik is used as a reverse proxy. Shared services, such as Adminer, MailHog and PostgreSQL, can be started at the same time as a project container using the command docker-up -a. Other commands are available to provide a convenient way to work with a PHP project and Docker, e.g. docker-app, docker-artisan and docker-xdebug.


Download or clone the Docker project into your home directory.

  1. git clone git@github.com:devosc/docker.git

Add the directory ~/docker/bin to your system path. Change .profile to .zshrc if necessary.

  1. echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/docker/bin' | tee -a ~/.profile && source ~/.profile

Add the project name to your /etc/hosts file.

  1. echo " docker-project" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Configuration Installer

Run the install script to create the .build.env, services and traefik/dynamic.toml files.

  1. ./install

Or manually copy and configure the files.

Manual Configuration

Create a self signed SSL certificate and copy the file traefik/dynamic-sample.toml to traefik/dynamic.toml.

  1. traefik/create-cert && \
  2. cp traefik/dynamic-sample.toml traefik/dynamic.toml

Copy the sample services script file to manage the shared services, e.g. Traefik, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MailHog and Adminer.

  1. cp services-sample services

Copy the sample .build.env file, set the user id, group id, locale, time zone and database root password.

  1. cp .build-sample.env .build.env

Add Docker Compose File To PHP Project

Copy the docker-compose.yml file into the PHP project directory and set the build context path to the location of the ~/docker directory.

  1. build:
  2. context: ~/docker

Set the container_name, router name and Host variables to the name of the project. The router name must be unique for Traefik to work correctly.

  1. container_name: docker-project
  2. labels:
  3. - "traefik.http.routers.docker-project.rule=Host(`docker-project`)"

Mount the project directory path to /var/www. The document root is /var/www/public.

  1. volumes:
  2. - .:/var/www

[ Optional ] To use your ssh keys to connect to a git repository, mount your .ssh directory to the app user’s home directory. For yarn, mount your local .cache directory.

  1. volumes:
  2. - ~/.ssh:/home/app/.ssh
  3. - ~/.cache:/home/app/.cache

Start Project Container

Inside the project directory, start the project container and the shared services.

  1. docker-up -a

The URL is https://docker-project.

Project Commands

  • Start container: docker-up
  • Stop container: docker-down
  • Start container with services: docker-up -a
  • Stop container and all services: docker-down -a
  • App User: docker-app
  • Root User: docker-root
  • Artisan: docker-artisan
  • CakePHP: docker-cakephp
  • Composer: docker-composer
  • Git: docker-git
  • Logs: docker-logs
  • npm: docker-npm
  • yarn: docker-yarn
  • PHPUnit: docker-phpunit
  • Symfony: docker-symfony [phpunit]
  • WP-CLI: docker-wp [multisite-convert]
  • Xdebug: docker-xdebug [on|off]
    • Start remote debugging session --session-start
    • Stop remote debugging session --session-stop
    • IDE key --idekey NAME
    • Remote port --remote-port PORT
    • Profiler on --profiler-on
    • Profiler off --profiler-off
    • Profiler output directory --profiler-output-dir PATH

      PHP Command

      The docker-php command provides a command line interface to PHP, Composer and Git. PHP is the default command and runs an interactive shell when no arguments exist. Use docker-php PATH to execute a file relative to the project directory and use --ssh-keys to mount your .ssh directory when using Composer and Git. Use the build argument CLI_RELEASE_VERSION to change the version of the PHP Docker image. To install Xdebug, set XDEBUG=true in the .build.env file, or create a separate .build-cli.env file. The Composer directory ~/.composer is shared with the container so that packages can be cached and reused.


      A project can be created for a Composer package or Git repository using the docker-create-project command.
      1. docker-create-project [options] package|repository [version]
      A project Compose file is created if it doesn’t exist and the directory name is used as the host and container name unless the options --host HOST and --name NAME are provided. The document root defaults to the project directory unless a public or html directory exists. The following packages are available for convenience.
  • cakephp CakePHP (cakephp/app)
  • laravel Laravel (laravel/laravel)
  • mvc5 Mvc5 (mvc5/mvc5-application)
  • phpinfo PHP info page
  • symfony Symfony (symfony/website-skeleton)
  • wordpress Wordpress (download from https://wordpress.org)

Composer install is called after cloning a Git repository if it contains a composer.json file.

Demo Applications

CakePHP, Laravel, Mvc5, Symfony, and WordPress demo applications can be installed into the ~/docker/www directory.

  1. docker-create-demo [cakephp|laravel|multisite-convert|mvc5|phpinfo|symfony|wordpress]

Trusted Proxy Server Configuration

If necessary, use docker-traefik ip-address to return the i.p. address for trusted proxy server configurations.

Extra Hosts

The EXTRA_HOSTS build argument can be used to add additional hostname mappings to a Compose file created by the docker-create-project command, and to the docker-php command. A comma separated list can be used.

  1. EXTRA_HOSTS=example.com:,example2.com:

Build Args

To use a specific PHP Docker image, set the RELEASE_VERSION build argument in the docker-compose.yml file. To install Xdebug, npm and yarn, set their attributes to true.

  1. args:
  2. - XDEBUG=true
  3. - NODE_JS=true
  4. - YARN=true
  5. - RELEASE_VERSION=apache

There are other build arguments available for Composer, WP-CLI, the document root, user and group. Trailing URL slashes can be removed and the Apache log level can be set to debug.

  1. - COMPOSER=true
  2. - WP_CLI=false
  3. - DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www/html
  4. - APACHE_LOG_LEVEL=debug
  6. - WWW_USER=app
  7. - WWW_GROUP=app

Build Environment Variables

Use the variables USER_ID, GROUP_ID, LOCALE and TIME_ZONE to match the file permissions, locale and time zone between the container and the host. The variables are automatically detected and stored in the file .build.env in the ~/docker directory by the install script. These environment variables are sourced prior to building a container and running the project commands.

  1. args:
  2. - USER_ID=${USER_ID}

PHP Build Variables

The following variables are available to customize the PHP build for a container. The variables can be configured in the project Compose file or the .build.env file. A semicolon can be used to separate the arguments for multiple docker-php-ext-configure commands.

  1. args:

Rebuild Images

Use docker-up --build to build the images after changing a Dockerfile or the docker-compose.yml file. Use docker-down --remove-images to remove the project images.

Shared Services

Shared services, such as Traefik and MailHog, are automatically started using docker-up -a. The -a switch runs docker-services up which calls the services script that manages the services to start. To stop all services, it is easier to stop and remove all containers using docker-down -a, this is because multiple services can be connected to a shared service. If there are no projects running, then it is possible to use docker-services down. An individual service can be targeted by specifying its name, e.g. docker-services adminer up, and the image for the service can be built before starting its container using the --build switch, e.g. docker-services adminer up --build. Similarly, the image for a service can be removed when stopping the service, e.g docker-services adminer down --remove-images. The i.p. address for a particular service can also be retrieved, e.g. docker-services mariadb ip-address.

Local Services

Other services can be added to the local directory and registered in the services script. A local service will be used instead of a core service, if it exists. A service can be defined in a Compose file matching the name of the service, e.g. mysql.yml. Alternatively, a service can be a directory matching the name of the service, containing a docker-compose.yml file.