some useful procedures
Some useful procedures for using AWS to make some computation capacity easily available.
It is understood that you know how to connect to your AWS console.
Links are directed to the corresponding Wiki article.
Create a VPC with public and private subnets
Get a key pair for a secure ssh or sftp connection to your EC2 instance . Do it before creating your EC2 instance !
Create an EC2 instance in a public or private subnet
Reserve and assign a static IP for an existing EC2 instance through the Elastic IPs service
Ping an EC2 instance from the internet
Open port 22 for ssh connection on an EC2 instance
Convert a .pem private key file to a .ppk one with PuTTYgen
Upload files to a Linux EC2 instance and protect restrict access to yourself using FileZilla
Connect to an EC2 instance in SSH mode with PuTTY
Connect to a Linux EC2 instance in SSH mode from another instance with command line