:fire: Angular Hot Module Replacement for Hot Module Reloading
Hot Module Reloading for Webpack and Angular. All versions of Angular and Webpack will work with this module
npm install @angularclass/hmr
import { removeNgStyles, createNewHosts, bootloader } from '@angularclass/hmr';
bootstrap: [ App ],
declarations: [ App ],
imports: [
// Angular 2
RouterModule.forRoot([], {
useHash: true
// app
// vendors
providers: []
class MainModule {
constructor(public appRef: ApplicationRef) {}
hmrOnInit(store) {
if (!store || !store.state) return;
console.log('HMR store', store);
console.log('store.state.data:', store.state.data)
// inject AppStore here and update it
// this.AppStore.update(store.state)
if ('restoreInputValues' in store) {
// change detection
delete store.state;
delete store.restoreInputValues;
hmrOnDestroy(store) {
var cmpLocation = this.appRef.components.map(cmp => cmp.location.nativeElement);
// recreate elements
store.disposeOldHosts = createNewHosts(cmpLocation)
// inject your AppStore and grab state then set it on store
// var appState = this.AppStore.get()
store.state = {data: 'yolo'};
// store.state = Object.assign({}, appState)
// save input values
store.restoreInputValues = createInputTransfer();
// remove styles
hmrAfterDestroy(store) {
// display new elements
delete store.disposeOldHosts;
// anything you need done the component is removed
export function main() {
return platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(MainModule)
// use `hmrModule` or the "@angularclass/hmr-loader"
.then((ngModuleRef: any) => {
// `module` global ref for webpackhmr
// Don't run this in Prod
return hmrModule(ngModuleRef, module);
// boot on document ready
is only needed to detect that the dom is ready before bootstraping otherwise bootstrap. This is needed because that dom is already ready during reloading.
In production you only need bootloader which just does this:
export function bootloader(main) {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main);
You would bootstrap your app the normal way, in production, after dom is ready. Also, in production, you should remove the loader:
To hook into NGRX 4 you simply need to supply a reducer to set the state, and include it in your development metaReducers.
// make sure you export for AoT
export function stateSetter(reducer: ActionReducer<any>): ActionReducer<any> {
return function(state: any, action: any) {
if (action.type === 'SET_ROOT_STATE') {
return action.payload;
return reducer(state, action);
In your root reducer you can do something like this to include it in your metaReducers
You should access your environment here and only include this in development.
* By default, @ngrx/store uses combineReducers with the reducer map to compose
* the root meta-reducer. To add more meta-reducers, provide an array of meta-reducers
* that will be composed to form the root meta-reducer.
export const metaReducers: ActionReducer<any, any>[] = [stateSetter]
Simply supply the metaReducer to the StoreModule
and your hmr is hooked in.
StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers }),
enjoy — PatrickJS