Angular input mask directive.
A mask directive with support for custom rules and Angular forms.
Provides advanced masking capabilities while working well with (and mostly transparent to) context menu and keyboard operations such as copy and paste.
Basic usage:
<input inputMask mask="999-99-9999">
The following are the predefined mask rules:
Rule | Description |
9 | Accepts any digit between 0 and 9. |
0 | Accepts any digit between 0 and 9 or space. |
# | Same as rule 9. Also allows + (plus) and - (minus) signs. |
L | Accepts any letters (a-z and A-Z). |
? | Accepts any letter (a-z and A-Z) or space. |
& | Accepts any character except a space. Equivalent to \S in regular expressions. |
C | Accepts any character. Equivalent to . in regular expressions. |
A | Alphanumeric. Accepts letters and digits only. |
a | Alphanumeric or space. Accepts letters, digits and space. |
Use the character |
(pipe) to escape any of the mask rules and use them as literals.
Start by importing the InputMaskModule
import { InputMaskModule } from '@emerbrito/input-mask';
Then apply the directive to an input element and set the mask property:
<input inputMask mask="999-99-9999">
As expected the mask will change the input value as it is entered.
To access the unformatted value (among with additional info) listen to the directive’s format
<input inputMask mask="999-99-9999" (format)="onFormat($event)">
onFormat(event: MaskEvent) {
console.log('Formatted value: ', event.value);
console.log('Clean value: ', event.cleanValue);
By default, when used inside an Angular form the directive will interact with FormControl
setting its invalid state based on whether or not the input satisfies the mask.
To prevent the mask validation from propagating to the form control (if you is being used) set the validateMask
property to false
<input inputMask mask="999-99-9999" validateMask="false">
For a use case not covered by the built in rules, new custom rules can be created and registered with the directive. See wiki form more details.