The repository is an experiment in Dynamic Component loading, and image preloading
ng g library projects --name manx-services
The repository is an experiement in dynamically loading components into the dom. In addition, I am also using a seperate service to dynamically add to the dom a spinner control from @angular/material.
The scroll-view component is driven by a Service called ScrollViewContext
. ScrollViewContext
contains the data payload of images. The first properties in ScrollViewContext
are height & width. This controls the overall dimensions of the component, and its children. Implementation in the components takes advantage of using the HostBinding decorator.
public height: BehaviorSubject<number>;
public width: BehaviorSubject<string>;
and @HostListener
are two decorators in Angular that can be really useful in custom directives and in components. @HostBinding lets you set properties on the element or component that hosts the directive, and @HostListener lets you listen for events on the host element or component.
viewWidth: string;
viewHeight: number;
Next in ScrollViewContext
we have an array that contains our data, and set of Observables that enable the component to set through the items array, and view the images.
public items: IDataItem[];
public index: BehaviorSubject<number>;
public hasNext: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
public hasPrev: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
public dispatch: EventEmitter<boolean>;
The scroll-view component works off of a payload:
export const dataItems: IDataItem[] = [
path: serverPath + 'banner-06-1920X306.jpg',
title: 'The elegant man',
description: '',
height: 306,
index: 0
path: serverPath + 'banner-05-1920X306.jpg',
title: 'The regal begal',
description: '',
height: 306,
index: 1
path: serverPath + 'banner-04-1920X306.jpg',
title: 'Some Dog',
description: '',
height: 306,
index: 2
path: serverPath + 'banner-03-1920X306.jpg',
title: 'Dogs R Us',
description: '',
height: 306,
index: 3
path: serverPath + 'banner-02-1920x243.jpg',
title: 'Legally dog',
description: '',
height: 306,
index: 4
path: serverPath + 'banner-01.jpg',
title: 'Pupps R Us',
description: '',
height: 306,
index: 5
The scoll-view component template iterates through the array of items, and binds it the ui.
<ul class="k-scrollview">
<li *ngFor="let item of this.scrollContext.items; let i = index; let c = count" [item]="item" [index]="i"></li>
<!-- These are the controls to move from image to image -->
I am overriding the native li
element, and in the scroll-item selector.
// tslint:disable-next-line:component-selector
selector: 'li',
templateUrl: './scroll-item.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./scroll-item.component.scss']
export class ScrollItemComponent implements OnInit {
The template for ScrollItemComponent is very simple:
<ng-container> <ng-template #dynamicImage></ng-template></ng-container>
and in the ngInit method, we subscribe each individual ScrollItemComponent
component to ScrollViewContext
services index
ngOnInit() {
const self = this;
const tx = self.index === 0 ? 0 : 101;
self.transform = 'translateX(' + tx + '%)';
self.viewWidth = self.scrollContext.width.value;
self.viewHeight = self.scrollContext.height.value;
self.scrollContext.index.subscribe((index: number) => {
if (index === self.index) {
self.transform = 'translateX(' + 0 + '%)';
} else {
self.transform =
index > self.index ? 'translateX(-100%)' : 'translateX(100%)';
The AppContextInjector
Service removes all the verbose and complicated code of the components themselves, we just need to remeber to pass in a ViewContainerRef
Initially I created a custom directive that was populating this refrenence for me and it worked really well. The challange became when I was adding a bunch of components to the dom at the same time, I needed individual instances of ViewContainerRef
I also wanted to make sure this service did not need a reference to the component I was going to dynamically add to the dom, so I created the following component that also allows me to send in an interface type, to define so data that component may need.
import { Type } from '@angular/core';
export class TypeComponent<T> {
constructor(public component: Type<any>, public data: T) {}
The app-injector.service is available in the ScrollViewContext
, and is called by ScrollViewComponent
as follows:
const image = new TypeComponent<IDataItem>(DynamicImageComponent, self.item);
self.scrollContext.appInjector.loadComponent(self.containerImage, image);