Ionic 2 / Ionic 3 Basics
Ionic 2 / Ionic 3 Basics
How to start?
1. Download the repo.
2. In the terminal write "ionic serve" to start the server.
Section 2: Mastering the Basics
Exercise 1:
Create two new Pages
- Shop
- Buyout
Either create them via CLI or manually
Exercise 2:
Add a Button to the "Home" Page which leads to the "Shop" Page.
Add a Button to the "Shop" Page which leads to the "Buyout" Page.
Exercise 3:
Add two new Buttons to the "Shop" Page (you now have three in total)
Give each Button the Caption of a Product (e.g. 'Milk', 'Bread' and 'Apples')
Make all three Buttons load the "Buyout" Page but pass the different Product
Names as data
Exercise 4:
Add a "Buy" Button to the "Buyout" Page and have this Button load the Root Page ("Home" Page)
Section 3: Favourite Quotes Application
Check application structure image
Section 4: “The Recipe Book” App (User Input, Forms and Data Management)
Check application structure image
Section 5: “The Extended Recipe Book” App (Auth and Http)