Benchmarking multiple elixir processes with http requests for learning purposes.
Just tinkering around with basic Elixir, Mix and Ottawa’s OCTranspo’s API for learning purposes.
Running locally:
mix deps.get
touch config/dev.exs
touch config/test.exs
In your config/dev.exs and config/test.exs:
use Mix.Config
config :elixirOC, appID: "<OCTranspo appID>"
config :elixirOC, apikey: "<OCTranspo apikey>"
To view the docs:
mix docs
then open doc/index.html
Example use:
iex -S mix
iex(1)> routes = [{3352, 80}, 3060]
[{3352, 80}, 3060]
iex(2)> ElixirOC.bus_routes_list(routes)
%{3060 => %{16 => "Britannia", 61 => "Terry Fox", 62 => "Stittsville",
86 => "Baseline Colonnade", 87 => "Baseline", 94 => "Millennium",
95 => "Barrhaven Centre", 97 => "Bayshore", 98 => "Tunney's Pasture",
107 => "South Keys", 403 => "Scotiabank Place", 750 => "Greenboro"},
7659 => %{1 => "Ottawa-Rockcliffe"}}
Benchmark tests takes in an integer parameter (how many requests you want to make). Example: