golang centralized log collection service【golang实现的集中式日志处理服务】
Deploring server service: server/server, configuring files: server/conf/conf.json
Recommending using cmonitor to manage
import (
func init() {
// replace it with your own alarm function
AlarmFunc = func(sender string, receivers []string, text string) {
params := map[string]interface{}{
“Sender”: sender,
“Receivers”: receivers,
“Text”: text,
* Alarmhandler has anti disturbance control logic, the same content will not be alarmed again within one minute. The interval between two alarms is not less than 30 seconds.
* If you want to add a new handler, you just need create a new go file under the directory of server/procs, as following:
package procs
func XxxHandler(cate, subcate string, content []byte, params map[string]interface{}) {
func init() {
RegisterHandler(“xxxhandler”, XxxHandler)
> Handler used in product is as following:(having implemented the function of sending data to multiple subscribers after receiving it)
package procs
import (
type TransParam struct {
Nodes []*struct {
Addr string
AddrType string
Retry int
Host string
Cgi string
Params string
Method string
Timeout string
func TransHandler(cate, subcate, body string, params map[string]interface{}) {
clog.Info(“TransHandler() Begin Trans: %s, %s, %s”, cate, subcate, body)
var transParam *TransParam
bs, _ := json.Marshal(params)
json.Unmarshal(bs, &transParam)
if transParam == nil {
clog.Error("TransHandler() params not right: %v", params)
arrs := []string{body}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &arrs)
for pos, str := range arrs {
arrs[pos] = url.QueryEscape(str)
for _, node := range transParam.Nodes {
addr := node.Addr
ps := map[string]string{}
values, _ := url.ParseQuery(fmt.Sprintf(node.Params, utils.Slice2Interface(arrs)...))
for k, vs := range values {
ps[k] = vs[0]
timeout, _ := time.ParseDuration(node.Timeout)
headers := map[string]string{
"Host": node.Host,
gpp := &utils.GPP{
Uri: fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s", addr, strings.TrimPrefix(node.Cgi, "/")),
Timeout: timeout,
Headers: headers,
Params: ps,
for step := -1; step < node.Retry; step++ {
var (
body []byte
err error
switch node.Method {
case "get":
body, err = utils.Get(gpp)
case "post":
body, err = utils.Post(gpp)
if err != nil {
clog.Error("TransHandler() http error, err: %v, body: %s, gpp: %v, step: %d", err, body, gpp, step)
} else {
clog.Info("TransHandler() http success, body: %s, gpp: %v", body, gpp)
func init() {
RegisterHandler(“transhandler”, TransHandler)
> Corresponding configuration is as following(configuring a template field in server/conf/conf.json):
“tpl”: {
“trans”: [
“handler”: “transhandler”,
“params”: {
“nodes”: [
“addr”: “”,
“addrType”: “ip”,
“host”: “xx.xx.com”,
“cgi”: “/c/a”,
“params”: “a=1&b=%s&c=%s”,
“method”: “post”,
“retry”: 2,
“timeout”: “50ms”
“procs”: {
“demo/logbusi_trans”: “$trans”
> the clog.Busi() function in api.go will be used: clog.Busi("trans", "xxx", "xxx", ...)
## demo
* [api_test.go](http://github.com/simplejia/clog/tree/master/api_test.go)
* [demo](http://github.com/simplejia/wsp/tree/master/demo) (has examples for using clog)
# [clog](http://github.com/simplejia/clog) (集中式日志收集服务)
## 实现初衷
* 实际项目中,服务会部署到多台服务器上去,机器本地日志不方便查看,通过集中收集日志到一台或两台机器上,日志以文件形式存在,按服务名,ip,日期,日志类型分别存储,这样查看日志时就方便多了
* 我们做服务时,经常需要添加一些跟业务逻辑无关的功能,比如按错误日志报警,上报数据用于统计等等,这些功能和业务逻辑混在一起,实在没有必要,有了clog,我们只需要发送有效的数据,然后就可把数据处理的工作留给clog去做
## 功能
* 发送日志至远程server主机,server可以配多台机器,api目前提供golang,c,php支持
* 根据配置(server/conf/conf.json)运行相关日志分析程序,目前已实现:日志输出,报警
* 输出日志文件按server/logs/{模块名}/log{dbg|err|info|war}/{day}/log{ip}{+}{sub}规则命名,最多保存30天日志
## 使用方法
* server机器
> 布署server服务:server/server,配置文件:server/conf/conf.json
* server服务建议用[cmonitor](http://github.com/simplejia/cmonitor)启动管理
## 注意
* api.go文件里定义了获取server服务addr方法
* server/conf/conf.json文件里,tpl定义模板,然后通过`$xxx`方式引用,目前支持的handler有:filehandler和alarmhandler,filehandler用来记录本地日志,alarmhandler用来发报警,可以通过传入自定义的env及conf参数来重定义配置文件里的参数,如:./server -env dev -conf='port=8080;clog.mode=1',多个参数用`;`分隔
* 对于alarmhandler,相关参数配置见params,目前的报警只是打印日志,实际实用,应替换成自己的报警处理逻辑,重新赋值procs.AlarmFunc就可以了,可以在server/procs目录下新建一个go文件,如下示例:
package procs
import (
func init() {
// 请替换成你自己的报警处理函数
AlarmFunc = func(sender string, receivers []string, text string) {
params := map[string]interface{}{
“Sender”: sender,
“Receivers”: receivers,
“Text”: text,
* alarmhandler有防骚扰控制逻辑,相同内容,一分钟内不再报,两次报警不少于30秒,以上限制和日志文件一一对应
* 如果想添加新的handler,只需在server/procs目录下新建一个go文件,如下示例:
package procs
func XxxHandler(cate, subcate string, content []byte, params map[string]interface{}) {
func init() {
RegisterHandler(“xxxhandler”, XxxHandler)
> 一个实际生产环境使用到的handler如下:(实现了接收数据后分发给多个订阅者的功能)
package procs
import (
type TransParam struct {
Nodes []*struct {
Addr string
AddrType string
Retry int
Host string
Cgi string
Params string
Method string
Timeout string
func TransHandler(cate, subcate, body string, params map[string]interface{}) {
clog.Info(“TransHandler() Begin Trans: %s, %s, %s”, cate, subcate, body)
var transParam *TransParam
bs, _ := json.Marshal(params)
json.Unmarshal(bs, &transParam)
if transParam == nil {
clog.Error("TransHandler() params not right: %v", params)
arrs := []string{body}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &arrs)
for pos, str := range arrs {
arrs[pos] = url.QueryEscape(str)
for _, node := range transParam.Nodes {
addr := node.Addr
ps := map[string]string{}
values, _ := url.ParseQuery(fmt.Sprintf(node.Params, utils.Slice2Interface(arrs)...))
for k, vs := range values {
ps[k] = vs[0]
timeout, _ := time.ParseDuration(node.Timeout)
headers := map[string]string{
"Host": node.Host,
gpp := &utils.GPP{
Uri: fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s", addr, strings.TrimPrefix(node.Cgi, "/")),
Timeout: timeout,
Headers: headers,
Params: ps,
for step := -1; step < node.Retry; step++ {
var (
body []byte
err error
switch node.Method {
case "get":
body, err = utils.Get(gpp)
case "post":
body, err = utils.Post(gpp)
if err != nil {
clog.Error("TransHandler() http error, err: %v, body: %s, gpp: %v, step: %d", err, body, gpp, step)
} else {
clog.Info("TransHandler() http success, body: %s, gpp: %v", body, gpp)
func init() {
RegisterHandler(“transhandler”, TransHandler)
> 相应配置如下(server/conf/conf.json里配上一个模板):
“tpl”: { // 模板定义
“trans”: [
“handler”: “transhandler”,
“params”: {
“nodes”: [
“addr”: “”,
“addrType”: “ip”,
“host”: “xx.xx.com”,
“cgi”: “/c/a”,
“params”: “a=1&b=%s&c=%s”,
“method”: “post”,
“retry”: 2,
“timeout”: “50ms”
“procs”: {
“demo/logbusi_trans”: “$trans”
使用时调用api.go里提供的clog.Busi函数: clog.Busi(“trans”, “xxx”, “xxx”, …)