项目作者: GraphCMS

项目描述 :
The official Gatsby source plugin for GraphCMS projects
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/GraphCMS/gatsby-source-graphcms.git
创建时间: 2017-11-13T20:28:57Z




The official Gatsby source plugin for Hygraph projects




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  1. yarn add gatsby-source-graphcms gatsby-plugin-image

Note: Gatsby v4 requires Node.js >= 14.15.


We recommend using environment variables with your Hygraph token and endpoint values. You can learn more about using environment variables with Gatsby here.


  1. // gatsby-config.js
  2. module.exports = {
  3. plugins: [
  4. {
  5. resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphcms',
  6. options: {
  7. endpoint: process.env.HYGRAPH_ENDPOINT,
  8. },
  9. },
  10. ],
  11. }


You can also provide an auth token using the token configuration key. This is necessary if your Hygraph project is not publicly available, or you want to scope access to a specific content stage (i.e. draft content).

  1. // gatsby-config.js
  2. module.exports = {
  3. plugins: [
  4. {
  5. resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphcms',
  6. options: {
  7. endpoint: process.env.HYGRAPH_ENDPOINT,
  8. token: process.env.HYGRAPH_TOKEN,
  9. },
  10. },
  11. ],
  12. }


Key Type Description
endpoint String (required) The endpoint URL for the Hygraph project. This can be found in the project settings UI.
token String If your Hygraph project is not publicly accessible, you will need to provide a Permanent Auth Token to correctly authorize with the API. You can learn more about creating and managing API tokens here.
typePrefix String (Default: `GraphCMS`)_ The string by which every generated type name is prefixed with. For example, a type of Post in Hygraph would become GraphCMS_Post by default. If using multiple instances of the source plugin, you must provide a value here to prevent type conflicts.
downloadLocalImages Boolean (Default: false) Download and cache Hygraph image assets in your Gatsby project. Learn more.
buildMarkdownNodes Boolean (Default: false) Build markdown nodes for all RichText fields in your Hygraph schema. Learn more.
fragmentsPath String (Default: graphcms-fragments) The local project path where generated query fragments are saved. This is relative to your current working directory. If using multiple instances of the source plugin, you must provide a value here to prevent type and/or fragment conflicts.
locales String (Default: ['en']) An array of locale key strings from your Hygraph project. Learn more. You can read more about working with localisation in Hygraph here.
stages String (Default: ['PUBLISHED']) An array of Content Stages from your Hygraph project. Learn more. You can read more about using Content Stages here.
queryConcurrency Integer (Default: 10) The number of promises ran at once when executing queries.


Querying localised nodes

If using Hygraph localisation, this plugin provides support to build nodes for all provided locales.

Update your plugin configuration to include the locales key.

  1. // gatsby-config.js
  2. module.exports = {
  3. plugins: [
  4. {
  5. resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphcms',
  6. options: {
  7. endpoint: process.env.HYGRAPH_ENDPOINT,
  8. locales: ['en', 'de'],
  9. },
  10. },
  11. ],
  12. }

To query for nodes for a specific locale, use the filter query argument.

  1. {
  2. enProducts: allGraphCmsProduct(filter: { locale: { eq: en } }) {
  3. nodes {
  4. name
  5. }
  6. }
  7. }

Check out the demo source for an example of a localisation implementation.

Querying from content stages

This plugin provides support to build nodes for entries from multiple Content Stages.

The provided Content Stages must be accessible according to the configuration of your project’s API access. If providing a token, then that Permanent Auth Token must have permission to query data from all provided Content Stages.

The example below assumes that both the DRAFT and PUBLISHED stages are publicly accessible.

  1. // gatsby-config.js
  2. module.exports = {
  3. plugins: [
  4. {
  5. resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphcms',
  6. options: {
  7. endpoint: process.env.HYGRAPH_ENDPOINT,
  8. stages: ['DRAFT', 'PUBLISHED'],
  9. },
  10. },
  11. ],
  12. }

To query for nodes from a specific Content Stage, use the filter query argument.

  1. {
  2. allGraphCmsProduct(filter: { stage: { eq: DRAFT } }) {
  3. nodes {
  4. name
  5. }
  6. }
  7. }

Usage with gatsby-plugin-image

Requires gatsby-plugin-image as a project dependency.

This source plugin supports gatsby-plugin-image for responsive, high performance Hygraph images direct from our CDN.

Use the gatsbyImageData resolver on your GraphCMS_Asset nodes.

  1. {
  2. allGraphCmsAsset {
  3. nodes {
  4. gatsbyImageData(layout: FULL_WIDTH)
  5. }
  6. }
  7. }

gatsbyImageData resolver arguments

Key Type Description
aspectRatio Float Force a specific ratio between the image’s width and height.
backgroundColor String Background color applied to the wrapper.
breakpoints [Int] Output widths to generate for full width images. Default is to generate widths for common device resolutions. It will never generate an image larger than the source image. The browser will automatically choose the most appropriate.
height Int Change the size of the image.
layout GatsbyImageLayout (CONSTRAINED/FIXED/FULL_WIDTH) Determines the size of the image and its resizing behavior.
outputPixelDensities [Float] A list of image pixel densities to generate. It will never generate images larger than the source, and will always include a 1x image. The value is multiplied by the image width, to give the generated sizes. For example, a 400 px wide constrained image would generate 100, 200, 400 and 800 px wide images by default. Ignored for full width layout images, which use breakpoints instead.
quality Int The default image quality generated. This is overridden by any format-specific options.
sizes String The <img> sizes attribute, passed to the img tag. This describes the display size of the image, and does not affect generated images. You are only likely to need to change this if your are using full width images that do not span the full width of the screen.
width Int Change the size of the image.
placeholder NONE/BLURRED/DOMINANT_COLOR/TRACED_SVG Choose the style of temporary image shown while the full image loads.

NOTE: gatsby-plugin-sharp needs to be listed as a dependency on your project if you plan to use placeholder TRACED_SVG or DOMINANT_COLOR.

For more information on using gatsby-plugin-image, please see the documentation.

Downloading local image assets

If you prefer, the source plugin also provides the option to download and cache Hygraph assets in your Gatsby project.

To enable this, add downloadLocalImages: true to your plugin configuration.

  1. // gatsby-config.js
  2. module.exports = {
  3. plugins: [
  4. {
  5. resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphcms',
  6. options: {
  7. endpoint: process.env.HYGRAPH_ENDPOINT,
  8. downloadLocalImages: true,
  9. },
  10. },
  11. ],
  12. }

This adds a localFile field to the GraphCMS_Asset type which resolves to the file node generated at build by gatsby-source-filesystem.

  1. {
  2. allGraphCmsAsset {
  3. nodes {
  4. localFile {
  5. childImageSharp {
  6. gatsbyImageData(layout: FULL_WIDTH)
  7. }
  8. }
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }

Using markdown nodes

This source plugin provides the option to build markdown nodes for all RichText fields in your Hygraph schema, which in turn can be used with MDX.

To enable this, add buildMarkdownNodes: true to your plugin configuration.

  1. // gatsby-config.js
  2. module.exports = {
  3. plugins: [
  4. {
  5. resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphcms',
  6. options: {
  7. endpoint: process.env.HYGRAPH_ENDPOINT,
  8. buildMarkdownNodes: true,
  9. },
  10. },
  11. ],
  12. }

Enabling this option adds a markdownNode nested field to all RichText fields on the generated Gatsby schema.

You will need to rebuild your graphcms-fragments if you enable embeds on a Rich Text field, or you add/remove additional fields to your Hygraph schema.

Usage with gatsby-plugin-mdx

These newly built nodes can be used with gatsby-plugin-mdx to render markdown from Hygraph.

Once installed, you will be able to query for MDX fields using a query similar to the one below.

  1. {
  2. allGraphCmsPost {
  3. nodes {
  4. id
  5. content {
  6. markdownNode {
  7. childMdx {
  8. body
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }

Check out the demo source for an example of a full MDX implementation.

Working with query fragments

The source plugin will generate and save GraphQL query fragments for every node type. By default, they will be saved in a graphcms-fragments directory at the root of your Gatsby project. This can be configured:

If using multiple instances of the source plugin, you must provide a value to prevent type and/or fragment conflicts.

  1. // gatsby-config.js
  2. module.exports = {
  3. plugins: [
  4. {
  5. resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphcms',
  6. options: {
  7. endpoint: process.env.HYGRAPH_ENDPOINT,
  8. fragmentsPath: 'my-query-fragments',
  9. },
  10. },
  11. ],
  12. }

The generated fragments are then read from the project for subsequent builds. It is recommended that they are checked in to version control for your project.

Should you make any changes or additions to your Hygraph schema, you will need to update the query fragments accrdingly. Alternatively they will be regnerated on a subsequent build after removing the directory from your project.

Modifying query fragments

In some instances, you may need modify query fragments on a per type basis. This may involve:

  • Removing unrequired fields
  • Adding new fields with arguments as an aliased field

For example, adding a featuredCaseStudy field:

  1. fragment Industry on Industry {
  2. featuredCaseStudy: caseStudies(where: { featured: true }, first: 1)
  3. }

Field arguments cannot be read by Gatsby from the Hygraph schema. Instead we must alias any required usages as aliased fields. In this example, the featuredCaseStudy field would then be available in our Gatsby queries:

  1. {
  2. allGraphCmsIndustry {
  3. nodes {
  4. featuredCaseStudy {
  5. ...
  6. }
  7. }
  8. }
  9. }


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Jonathan Steele

💻 📝 💡 🤔 🚧 📆

João Pedro Schmitz

💻 💡 🤔

Jamie Barton

💻 🐛 🚧 📖

If you spot an issue, or bug that you know how to fix, please submit a pull request.

When working locally you’ll need to run yarn compile and yarn dev using Yarn workspaces that will let you test/develop on the demo Gatsby app in this project. You may need to yarn clean occcasionally too.


“endpoint” is required

If you are using environment variables, make sure to include require("dotenv").config(); inside your gatsby-config.js.

If it’s already included, make sure you have your ENV variable added to .env, or .env.local without spaces.

“message”: “not allowed”

This error occurs most likely if your token doesn’t have access to the PUBLISHED content stage. Configure your token to also access PUBLISHED, or specify stages: ["DRAFT"] to the options inside gatsby-config.js.

Bad request

You may need to rebuild your fragments folder when making schema changes. If you change the type of a field, or add/remove any from an existing model you have fragments for, the plugin cannot query for this.

Simply delete the graphcms-fragments (or whatever you named it), and run gatsby develop to regenerate.