Gatsby remark plugin for generating social card graphics
Do you wish your Gatsby blog posts could look like this when getting shared to Twitter?
With this plugin, they can!
iterates over your markdown files and automatically generates graphical representations of the frontmatter data! It’s highly customizable and can help increase your click rates.
and black
) See #1DejaVuSansCondensed
, italic
, and bold
TagsIt’s recommended that you use gatsby-plugin-react-helmet
for managing the <head></head>
of your website. This plugin only generates the card images, it’s your responsibility to add the <meta/>
tags to the <head></head>
of your layout (step 4).
The URLs set in the <meta/>
tags also needs to be absolute paths. So make sure that you have siteUrl
set in your gatsby-config.js
siteMetadata: {
title: "My blog title",
siteUrl: "", // no trailing slash!
yarn add gatsby-remark-social-cards
plugins in gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
// ...
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
// ...
Restart Gatsby
Add the <meta/>
tags in the head
Note: it’s typically recommended to have your
section inside your main layout component.
Add a prop for pathname
to your layout component and use that along with the siteUrl
to get the absolute path to the twitter card.
const Layout = ({ pathname, children }) => (
query SiteTitleQuery {
site {
siteMetadata {
render={data => (
<Helmet title={}>
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
{ /* ... */ }
Then inside your blog post template, pass location.pathname
to the layout.
Note: router’s
object is passed to every page in Gatsby
export default ({ location }) => {
return <Layout pathname={location.pathname}>{/* ... */}</Layout>;
I built this plugin to be as flexible as possible, so at first the config may seem daunting. But keep in mind, none of these settings are required. You can add as few or as much configuration as you desire. All values shown below are default.
plugins: [
// ...
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-remark-social-cards`,
options: {
title: {
// This is the frontmatter field the title should come from
field: "title",
// Currently only supports DejaVuSansCondensed
// More fonts coming soon!
font: "DejaVuSansCondensed",
color: "black", // black|white
size: 48, // 16|24|32|48|64
style: "bold", // normal|bold|italic
x: null, // Will default to xMargin
y: null, // Will default to yMargin
meta: {
// The parts array is what generates the bottom text
// Pass an array with strings and objects
// The following array will generate:
// "- Author Name » September 13"
// The objects are used to pull data from your markdown's
// frontmatter. { field: "author" } pulls the author set
// in the frontmatter. { field: "category" } would pull
// the category set. Any field can be used as parts
// Note: Only pass the "format" property on date fields
parts: [
"- ",
{ field: "author" },
" » ",
{ field: "date", format: "mmmm dS" },
// Currently only supports DejaVuSansCondensed
// More fonts coming soon!
font: "DejaVuSansCondensed",
color: "black", // black|white
size: 24, // 16|24|32|48|64
style: "normal", // normal|bold|italic
x: null, // Will default to xMargin
y: null, // Will default to cardHeight - yMargin - size
background: "#FFFFFF", // Background color for the card
xMargin: 24, // Edge margin used when x value is not set
yMargin: 24,// Edge margin used when y value is not set
// ...
This plugin is in it’s early stages, so any and all help is warmly welcomed!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details