Plugin for the Neos CMS that provides a slick slider content element
This is a ready-to-use implementation of the JavaScript package slick.
Most of the time you have to make small adjustments to a package (e.g., the configuration in Settings.yaml). Because of that, it is important to add the corresponding package to the composer manifest in your theme package. Mostly this is the site package located under Packages/Sites/
. To install it correctly, go to your theme package (e.g. Packages/Sites/Foo.Bar
) and run following command:
composer require unikka/neos-slick --no-update
The —no-update command prevents the automatic update of the dependencies. After the package was added to your theme composer.json
, go back to the root of the Neos installation and run composer update. Your desired package is now installed correctly.
This package uses background images as slides. If you want to use a fixed height for the slider you can use the following CSS to override the defaults:
.slick-slide {
min-height: <your-slide-height>;
The Slide and the Slider element have a few mixins, which you can use to enable/disable and to add/remove a feature.
If you want to disable the autoplay option in the backend, you can do this:
'Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Autoplay': false
MixinsMixin | Default value | Description |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Autoplay | true | Autoplay option |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.SlidesToScroll | true | How many slides scroll |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Infinite | false | Infinite scrolling |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Draggable | true | Draggable |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.PauseOnHover | true | Pause on hover |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.AnimationSpeed | true | Animation speed |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Fade | false | Fade |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Arrows | true | Arrows shown |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Dots | false | Dots shown |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.SlidesToShow | true | Number of slides shown at once |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.AdditionalClass | true | Additional CSS-Class |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Repsonsive.Sm | true | Responsive group mobile |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Repsonsive.Md | true | Responsive group tablet |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Repsonsive.Lg | true | Responsive group laptop |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Repsonsive.Xl | true | Responsive group desktop |
MixinsMixin | Default value | Description |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.BackgroundImage | true | Background image for Slide |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.AdditionalClass | true | Additional CSS-Class |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.LazyLoading | true | Enables layz loading |
Unikka.Slick:Mixin.ContentBackground | true | Enables dark translucend background |
The fade options is disabled by default, because if you enable fade, the “slides to show” option isn’t working. But you can simply enable it like this:
'Unikka.Slick:Mixin.Fade': true
'Unikka.Slick:Mixin.SlidesToShow': false
# include the theme css file from slick
theme: true
# disables autoplay in backend
disableAutoplay: true
# breakpoints for the responsive tab
sm: 576px
md: 768px
lg: 992px
xl: 1200px
We’d love you to contribute to neos-slick. We try to make it as easy as possible.
We are using semantic versioning to have more time to concentrate on important stuff
instead of struggling in the dependency or release hell.
Therefore the first rule is to follow the eslint commit message guideline.
It is really easy if you always commit via yarn commit
. Commitizen will guide you.
All PRs will be merged into the master branch. Travis and semantic release will check the commit messages and start
building a new release when the analysis of the latest commits will trigger that.
If you have questions just ping us on Twitter or Github.
The package is based on the Noerdisch/Slick
package. We thank the Noerdisch team for
all the efforts. Part of the development has been sponsored by the Danske Folkekirken, we are proud that the Folkekirken is using the slider package and supports open source software.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.