项目作者: helloiamlukas

项目描述 :
A Jigsaw template for Forestry.io
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/helloiamlukas/jigsaw-forestry-template.git
创建时间: 2020-01-05T17:30:52Z



" class="reference-link">Jigsaw template for Forestry.io

Simple Jigsaw website template for Forestry.io, with easy deployment on Netlify ⚡️


This Jigsaw starter template comes pre-configured with:

  • Simple responsive website layout (preview)
  • Bootstrap 4.1.3
  • Vue 2.5.21
  • Sitemap Generator
  • Netlify deployment configuration

In addition it includes a Forestry.io configuration with the following features:

  • Easily add new pages 📝
  • Arrange items in the navigation bar ↕️
  • Basic css styling directly in the CMS 💅
  • Cloudinary media management 🌄
  • Live preview 🖥✨(powered by CircleCI docker image circleci/php:7.3-node)



Jigsaw / Template

To use this starter template, create a new directory for your website:

  1. mkdir cool-website

After that, navigate to your website folder and install Jigsaw:

  1. cd cool-website
  2. composer require tightenco/jigsaw

Now you can initialize the project with the template:

  1. ./vendor/bin/jigsaw init helloiamlukas/jigsaw-forestry-template

💡For further information, please take a look at the Jigsaw Documentation

Cloudinary Configuration

In order to make media uploads work properly, open the .forestry/settings.yml file and put in your cloudinary upload directory, as well as your cloud name.

For example:

  1. upload_dir: cool-website-media
  2. public_path: https://res.cloudinary.com/coolcloud/image/upload/w_1600,q_auto,c_limit


For easy deployment, use Netlify. The template already includes a netlify.toml file with all necessary configuration. Just import your repository from the Dashboard and you’re good to go 😎

Forestry.io Setup

After you have deployed your website, you can setup Forestry.io.

Login into your Forestry.io account and go to the Dashboard.

  1. Add a new site
  2. You will be asked, which static site generator you want to use. Choose Other (Gridsome, Next, Nuxt…)
  3. Next, choose your Git provider and select your repository.
  4. After the project has been imported, ignore the setup wizard.
  5. In the sidebar, go to Settings and select General » Deploy Admin to generate the CMS Backend.
  6. Now, you should be apple to access the CMS via https://your-site-name.netlify.com/manage/


For further information how to use Jigsaw, Forestry.io and/or Netlify, please refer to their documentation.

For questions regarding this project, please use the Issue section.