A Jigsaw template for Forestry.io
Simple Jigsaw website template for Forestry.io, with easy deployment on Netlify ⚡️
This Jigsaw starter template comes pre-configured with:
In addition it includes a Forestry.io configuration with the following features:
) To use this starter template, create a new directory for your website:
mkdir cool-website
After that, navigate to your website folder and install Jigsaw:
cd cool-website
composer require tightenco/jigsaw
Now you can initialize the project with the template:
./vendor/bin/jigsaw init helloiamlukas/jigsaw-forestry-template
💡For further information, please take a look at the Jigsaw Documentation
In order to make media uploads work properly, open the .forestry/settings.yml
file and put in your cloudinary upload directory, as well as your cloud name.
For example:
upload_dir: cool-website-media
public_path: https://res.cloudinary.com/coolcloud/image/upload/w_1600,q_auto,c_limit
For easy deployment, use Netlify. The template already includes a netlify.toml
file with all necessary configuration. Just import your repository from the Dashboard and you’re good to go 😎
After you have deployed your website, you can setup Forestry.io.
Login into your Forestry.io account and go to the Dashboard.
For further information how to use Jigsaw, Forestry.io and/or Netlify, please refer to their documentation.
For questions regarding this project, please use the Issue section.