3D Dense Connected Convolutional Network (3D-DenseNet for action recognition)
KTH ex: ../kth_video/boxing/person01_boxing_d1_uncomp.avi)prepare_data_main.py
. You need to specify the data_dir
, train_output_path
, and eval_output_path
. data_dir
: ../kth_video
(Take a record of this number)BBBB
(Take a record of this number)AAAA
from previous step to train_total_video_clip
in the debug_train.py
from previous step to eval_total_video_clip
in the debug_train.py
and train.tfrecord
file generated from the previous step to a folder named ../tfrecord
in the debug_train.py
to the proper folder name in the previous step.python debug_train.py
(Make sure you have all the dependencies).Note: It turns out Sagemaker doesn’t support python3 for Tensorflow script at this moment (2018.Nov.1)!!!
So I will stop working on this part and left the sagemaker_main.template
file as it is for now.
Programmatic access
and attached AmazonS3FullAccess
and AmazonSageMakerFullAccess
to this IAM user. Keep a record of your Access Key ID
and Secret Access Key
(Don’t tell anyone this information!!! Even your husband/wife).aws configure
in your console and paste the Access Key ID
and Secret Access Key
from previous step. Keep in mind the region (ex: us-west-2
) that you used.sagemaker-full-access-role
and attach an inline policy with the following JSONmachine_leaning_data_bucket
to sagemaker_main.py
) and paste it to the role
value in the sagemaker_main.py
in sagemaker_main.py
with S3 bucket name machine_leaning_data_bucket
(Whatever S3 bucket name you have).sagemaker_main.py
and run python sagemaker_main.py
. Notice that if you choose As I said at the beginning, sagemaker doesn’t support tensorflow docker image with python version 3, so you will get error
Attempted relative import in non-package
at this moment. I will try to rework this file once sagemaker support it.
Expand the `Densely Connected Convolutional Networks DenseNets to 3D-DenseNet for action recognition (video classification):
Each model can be tested on such datasets:
A number of layers, blocks, growth rate, video normalization and other training params may be changed trough shell or inside the source code.
There are also many other implementations, they may be useful also.