body-condition-score_cattle prediction.
• Here we need to predict the BCS classes. Basically it’s a Multiclass Classification Problem.
• We have 1,2,3,4 classes.
• Here we have train , test data & labels.csv file. So based on this csv file i created a separate folders . so that each folder indicates different classes (Class_1,Class_2,Class_3,Class_4) .
• These data divided into train-valid data(each folder contains Class_1,Class_2,Class_3,Class_4 folders). You can find these in this file (Step_1_Train-Validation Split_final.ipynb).
• here we have less amount of data. We applied a data agumentation steps & also applied transformations, filters on images like Gradient, Negative Images, Box filter , Adaptive + Gassiun thresholding , Discrete Fourier Transform , Est. transformation , Fitting Polygons , log_transformation , Gassiuan filters + Kernals , Canny_edge , Image_temparature , Contrast Stretching ,K-means , Keras augmentation.
• You can find all these image preprocessing steps in (Image Preprocessing.ipynb ) file.
• After applying all the above feature engineering steps finally we’re with 2466 images of train,719 images of valid.
• Data Visualization analysis is available in (visualization.ipynb) file
• We used a base CNN model along with Reguralization techniques(Drop out , Batch Normalization , MaxPooling) etc.
• We have used activation functions ( Relu, swish) . and also used softmax as in the last layer.
• Base CNN model given Train_Accuracy of 73.01% , Validation_Accuracy of 69.96% (After applying all filters & Keras augmentation).
• You Can see this model in (Base_CNN.ipynb) file
• After this we tried with transfer learning techniques VGG16 , Resnet101.
• The same preprocessed images are given input to these above transfer techniques.
• VGG16 has given Train_accuracy of 72.43% , Valid_accuracy of 68.98% (After applying all filters & Keras augmentation).
• You Can see this in (VGG16.ipynb) file.
• Resnet has given Train_accuracy of 70.85% , valid_accuracy 69.40% (After applying all filters & Keras augmentation).
• You can see this in (Resnet101.ipynb) file.
• You can see some of the model analysis results images are store in Output_images folder.