项目作者: kunalBhashkar

项目描述 :
Cat-Dog Classifier using CNN
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/kunalBhashkar/Cats-Vs-Dogs-Image-Classification.git


The problem Statements

Given a set of labeled images of cats and dogs, a machine learning model is to be learnt and later it is to be used to classify a set of new images as cats or dogs.

The accuracy on the test dataset is not going to be good in general for the above-mentioned reason. In order to obtain good accuracy on the test dataset using deep learning, we need to train the models with a large number of input images (e.g., with all the training images from the kaggle dataset).

A few sample labeled images from the training dataset are shown below.

Steps of this program:

i. Get the data into python.
ii. Prepare the data for the algorithm.
iii.Define the Model.
iv. Train the model and get the results.

  1. https://www.kaggle.com/c/dogs-vs-cats/data
