React component for rendering images with zoom controls and hotspots
React component for rendering images with zoom controls and hotspots.
Install from npm and include it in your project build process:
npm install react-image-hotspots --save
Or install from yarn running:
yarn add react-image-hotspots
import ImageHotspots from 'react-image-hotspots'
alt='Sample image'
{ x: 10, y: 30, content: <span>Hotspot 1</span> },
{ x: 40, y: 70, content: <span>Hotspot 2</span> },
{ x: 80, y: 30, content: <span>Hotspot 2</span> }
Props | Type | Default | Description |
src |
String, required | Image source | |
alt |
String, optional | Image alternative info | |
hideFullscreenControl |
Boolean, optional | false |
Hide fullscreen control |
hideZoomControls |
Boolean, optional | false |
Hide zoom controls |
hideMinimap |
Boolean, optional | false |
Hide minimap |
hotspots |
Array of objects, optional | [] |
Hotspots |
background |
String, optional | Container background color |
If image size is smaller than the container size, zoom controls and minimap will be hidden.
Props | Type | Default | Description |
x |
Number, required | Percentage vertical position | |
y |
Number, required | Percentage horizontal position | |
content |
React or HTML element, required | Hotspot content |
Start the project running:
npm start
Test the project running:
npm test
Build the project running:
npm run build