项目作者: likecoin

项目描述 :
Official site of LikeCoin - Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure. https://like.co
高级语言: Vue
项目地址: git://github.com/likecoin/like-co.git
创建时间: 2018-01-05T06:38:41Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



Greenkeeper badge

like.co, official site of LikeCoin Foundation

Essential Folder structure

  1. ├── components # Vue components
  2. ├── layouts # nuxt layouts
  3. ├── locales # i18n locale files
  4. ├── client # client side i18n handled by vue-i18n
  5. └── server # server side i18n handled by i18n
  6. ├── middleware # nuxt middleware
  7. ├── pages # actual with automated router pages
  8. ├── plugins # nuxt plugins
  9. ├── server # express server
  10. ├── api # server apis
  11. ├── config # server config and credentials
  12. └── util # misc server side libraries
  13. ├── static # static asset
  14. ├── store # vuex store
  15. ├── backpack.config.js # server builder config
  16. └── nuxt.config.js # nuxt config

Build Setup

  1. # init and pull submodules
  2. $ git submodule init && git submodule update
  3. # install dependencies
  4. $ npm install # Or yarn install
  5. # serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
  6. $ npm run dev
  7. # build for production and launch server
  8. $ npm start

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the Nuxt.js docs.


We use backpack to watch and build the application, so you can use the latest ES6 features (module syntax, async/await, etc.).