A one-stop shop for all management and monitoring of Amazon Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) clusters across different AWS accounts and purposes.
A one-stop shop for all management and monitoring of Amazon Elastic Map Reduce
(EMR) clusters across different AWS accounts and purposes.
NOTE: Local setup is just to see the look and feel and to understand how the product works.
In order to have full functionality with orchestration and observability of real EMR clusters, see the section below for setup on AWS.
git clone https://github.com/intuit/QuickFabric.git
Quickfabric has a single phase for local. It deploys the React Frontend, Java Middleware, Mysql database in the local system.
Clone the GitHub repo in your local computer if not done already.
git clone https://github.com/intuit/QuickFabric.git
is the input file where the Mysql and Encryption credentials are stored. This file is by default a part of .gitignore
cp QuickFabric/terraform_local/secrets.tfvars.example QuickFabric/terraform_local/secrets.tfvars
Initialize Terraform. It will initialize all terraform modules/plugins.
go to QuickFabric/terraform_local/
directory and run below command
cd QuickFabric/terraform_local/
terraform init
Initializing modules...
- db in modules/container
- emr in modules/container
- frontend in modules/container
- frontend_container in modules/container
- middleware in modules/container
- scheduler in modules/container
Initializing the backend...
* provider.docker: version = "~> 2.7"
* provider.null: version = "~> 2.1"
Terraform has been successfully initialized!
Run planner command under QuickFabric/terraform_local
terraform plan -var-file=secrets.tfvars
This command will generate a preview of all the actions which terraform is going to execute.
Expected Output: This command will be giving output something like below
Plan: 14 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Run actual Apply command under QuickFabric/terraform_local
directory to deploy all the resources into the AWS parent account.
This step may take 5-10
terraform apply -var-file=secrets.tfvars
The output will look like below
Expected output: It will ask for approval like below
Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value:
Please type “yes” and enter
It provides the next steps to perform
Apply complete! Resources: 14 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
quickfabric_url =
Wait for a few minutes before proceeding further for the application to come online.
Verify the readiness of the system by accessing UI:
Quickfabric default Credentials: default credentials are “user@company.com/intuit”
Note: If you want to build React Frontend or Java middleware individually without using terraform instructions for building are provided here:
React Instructions
Java Instructions
Quickfabic will save all the terraform state files inside QuickFabic/terraform/terraform.tfstate.d/
directory. Make sure that you save all the terraform state files in a safe place (in git or S3 location) as it will be needed next time when you want to deploy/update QuickFabric again in some accounts.
Login to the application with user user@company.com
and password intuit
Explore! Note that certain observability features (such as currently running
applications) and all cluster actions will not work properly as they depend upon serverless deployment in order to work.
git clone https://github.com/intuit/QuickFabric.git
An AWS user with Administrator/Power user access.
Refer the below AWS documentation to create a user and generate Access Keys.
QuickFabric has two phases of deployments. Parent account deployment which deploys the React Frontend, Java Middleware, Mysql database, necessary lambda applications and other related resources in parent AWS account and Child accounts deployments that deploys the lambda functions only.
Clone the GitHub repo in your local computer if not done already.
git clone https://github.com/intuit/QuickFabric.git
is the configuration file for the deployment. Use the example files to create an input.tfvars
Copy the example configuration file and modify the parameters. Refer [Configuration] (#Configuring Input.tfvars file) section above.
if the user opts to use a basic configuration file then run below command.
cp QuickFabric/terraform/input.tfvars.basic.example QuickFabric/terraform/input.tfvars
if the user opts to use advance configuration file then run below command
cp QuickFabric/terraform/input.tfvars.advanced.example QuickFabric/terraform/input.tfvars
is the input file where the Mysql and Encryption credentials are stored. This file is by default a part of .gitignore
cp QuickFabric/terraform/secrets.tfvars.example QuickFabric/terraform/secrets.tfvars
Initialize Terraform. It will initialize all terraform modules/plugins.
go to QuickFabric/terraform/
directory and run below command
cd QuickFabric/terraform/
terraform init
Expected Output: It will create .terraform directory in QuickFabric/terraform/ location and command output should look like below
Initializing modules...
- bastion in modules/ec2
- bastion_sg in modules/sg
- igw in modules/igw
- nat_gw in modules/nat
- private_subnet in modules/subnet
- public_subnet in modules/subnet
- qf in modules/ec2
- qf_s3_uploads in modules/s3_uploads
- r53 in modules/r53
- s3 in modules/s3
- sg in modules/sg
- vpc in modules/vpc
Initializing the backend...
* provider.archive: version = "~> 1.3"
* provider.aws: version = "~> 2.51"
* provider.external: version = "~> 1.2"
* provider.local: version = "~> 1.4"
* provider.null: version = "~> 2.1"
* provider.template: version = "~> 2.1"
Terraform has been successfully initialized!
Update the root/power user access credentials.
Store the AWS Access and Secret Key in the Credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) and export the profile.
aws_access_key_id= awsaccesskey
aws_secret_access_key= awssecretkey
export AWS_PROFILE="quickfabric_sample_profile"
Note: Please replace the above sample profile with your own before running the export command.
export the keys as environment variables.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="awsaccesskey"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="awssecretkey"
Depending up on the accounts that the changes are intented for, one should chnage the AWS credentials acccordingly. Terrafrom will make the changes only to the AWS account for which the credentials currently loaded
Refer to the below AWS documentation to create user credentials.
Run planner command under QuickFabric/terraform
python3 terraform_wrapper.py plan -var-file=input.tfvars -var-file=secrets.tfvars
This command will generate a preview of all the actions which terraform is going to execute.
Expected Output: This command will be giving output something like below
Plan: 46 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Run actual Apply command under QuickFabric/terraform
directory to deploy all the resources into the AWS parent account.
This step may take 5-10
python3 terraform_wrapper.py apply -var-file=input.tfvars -var-file=secrets.tfvars
The output will look like below
Expected output: It will ask for approval like below
Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value:
Please type “yes” and enter
It provides the next steps to perform
Apply complete! Resources: 46 added(in case of basic configuration) 45 added(in case of advanced configuration), 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Apply complete! Resources: 46 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
bastion_ip = xx.xx.xx.xx
quickfabric_url = http://xx.xx.xx.xx
Wait for a few minutes before proceeding further for the application to come online.
Verify the readiness of the system by accessing UI: http://
Quickfabric default Credentials: default credentials are “user@company.com/intuit”
QuickFabric comes with 2 flavors of input configuration file. User can choose one of the below configurations at a time to setup
The input.tfvars.basic.example
file (terraform input variables) is the configuration file of QuickFabric deployment.It accepts the following parameters.
: Provide one parent AWS account ID and zero or more comma-separated child accounts IDs. In the parent account both UI (EC2 instance, R53 entry) and the backend services will be created. In the child accounts only the backend services (Lambda, bastion, VPC, subnets and security groups) will be created.Example :
1. if you don't have any child accounts yet then use below example with child accounts array as empty.
account_ids = {
"parent_account_id" : "1234xxxxxxx",
"child_account_ids" : []
2. if you have child accounts info then use example
account_ids = {
"parent_account_id" : "1234xxxxxxx",
"child_account_ids" : ["4567xxxxxxx", "8901xxxxxxx" , "4583xxxxxxx"]
3. If you are using local system for Frontend installation, leave the parent account id as empty string.
account_ids = {
"parent_account_id" : "",
"child_account_ids" : ["4567xxxxxxx", "8901xxxxxxx" , "4583xxxxxxx"]
: AWS Region to deploy QuickFabric
Example :
region = “us-west-2”
Note : In basic configuration Quickfabric will create other required resources like VPC , private/public subnets , S3 bucket, bastion host, security groups etc automatically.
The input.tfvars
file (terraform input variables) is the configuration file of Quickfabric deployment. It accepts the following parameters.
: Provide one parent AWS account ID and zero or more comma-separated child accounts IDs. In the parent account both UI (EC2 instance, R53 entry) and the backend services will be created. In the child accounts only the backend services (Lambda, bastion, VPC, subnets and security groups) will be created.Example :
1. if you don't have any child accounts yet then use below example with child accounts array as empty.
account_ids = {
"parent_account_id" : "1234xxxxxxx",
"child_account_ids" : []
2. if you have child accounts info then use example
account_ids = {
"parent_account_id" : "1234xxxxxxx",
"child_account_ids" : ["4567xxxxxxx", "8901xxxxxxx" , "4583xxxxxxx"]
3. If you are using local system for Frontend installation, leave the parent account id as empty string.
account_ids = {
"parent_account_id" : "",
"child_account_ids" : ["4567xxxxxxx", "8901xxxxxxx" , "4583xxxxxxx"]
Note: 12 digit AWS Account number without ‘-‘(hyphen).
Parent account definition :
Parent AWS account is the main account where QuickFabric Frontend resources will be deployed. This account will have the following resources post QuickFbaric setup completion.
Lambda, EC2 instance ( It will have docker containers with Database and supporting applications), Security groups, Bastion host, Output S3 bucket and few IAM roles.
Child accounts definition:
Zero or more other AWS accounts where the user wants launch and manage EMR clusters through Quickfabric. These child accounts will have Lambda, Security groups, Bastion host, Output S3 bucket and few IAM roles. . Leave it as an empty list([]) if there are no child accounts.
: < optional > if empty then QuickFabric will pickup user’s default id_rsa , otherwise provide AWS key_pair file name without .pem extension.
Refer the following AWS documentation to create a new Keypair.
Example :
key_pair = “” (in case user wants to use his/her default id_rsa.pub key)
key_pair = abc (user should have this pem file to login to EC2 instance for troubleshooting purpose)
: AWS region where QuickFabric will be deployed.Example :
region = “us-west-2”
: < optional > If a bastion host already exists, provide the security group ID to be whitelisted in the EC2 instance. If provided, deployment will skip creating new bastion host. Leave it as empty string to create a new bastion host.Example:
bastion_security_group = “sg-abc”
: Accepts lists of CIDR in order to access QuickFabric UI and servers. This will have your public IP address or your organization’s Public IP address ranges.
Use the following URL to get the public IP address of a system.
curl http://checkip.amazonaws.com
Access to QuickFabric application will be restricted and only these IP ranges will be whitelisted.
Example :
cidr_admin_whitelist = [
: Provide route53 valid existing zone. This zone is required to access QuickFbaric UI using a domain name. Incase of new hosted zone to be created, set hosted_zone_name_exists
to false
.Example :
: (Default is false) Does not create a new hosted zone when set to true
, Incase of new hosted zone to be created, set to false
.Example :
: Provide appropriate name to create “A” record for QuickFabric UI.Example :
QuickFabric UI will be accessible via this urlhttp://<www_domain_name>.<quickfabric_zone_name>
(DNS will not work until your Route53 hosted zone is resolvable by public DNS.)
: Required if Private subnet is provided. Otherwise, QuickFabric deployment will create a VPC and Public/Private subnet. EC2 instance will be provisioned under this public subnet so that it can be accessible through Internet. Provide one subnet id in a map of list.Example :
public_subnet_id={“aws_account_id_1” : [“subnet-abc”],
“aws_account_id_2” : [“subnet-cef”],
“aws_account_id_3” : [] # Deployment will create VPC, Private/Public subnet for this account
If left empty, QuickFabric deployment will create a VPC and Public/Private subnet.
: Required if Public subnet is already provided. Otherwise, QuickFabric deployment will create a VPC and Public/Private subnet. EMR’s will be deployed under private subnet. Provide one or more subnet id in a map of list.
Refer the below AWS document for more info.
Example :
private_subnet_id={“aws_account_id_1” : [“subnet-abc”],
“aws_account_id_2” : [“subnet-cef”],
“aws_account_id_3” : [] # Deployment will create VPC, Private/Public subnet for this account
If left empty, QuickFabric deployment will create a VPC and Public/Private subnet.
: < optional > Parameter to add the tag into all the QuickFabric resources to keep track.Example :
tags = {
“app” : “quickfabric”
“env” : “prd”
“team” : “CloudOps”
“costCenter” : “CloudEngg”
Quickfabic will save all the terraform state files inside QuickFabic/terraform/terraform.tfstate.d/
directory. Make sure that you save all the terraform state files in a safe place (in git or S3 location) as it will be needed next time when you want to deploy/update QuickFabric again in some accounts.
By default, QuickFabric deployment with terraform will create a new docker container that has a new RDS instance. If you already have an existing running RDS instance that you want to use instead of a new one created by terraform during the standard deployment, perform the following steps.
Rename docker-compose-rdsversion.yml
to docker-compose.yml
. Save the
existing docker-compose.yml
under a different name if you intend to do a
traditional deployment elsewhere later on.
mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose-standard.yml #optional
mv docker-compose-rdsversion.yml docker-compose.yml
Set the Spring Datasource URL attribute in application.properties
to the
proper URL and port for your RDS instance. Do this both the EMR properties file and the schedulers properties file.
applications. Optionally update the serverTimezone query parameter to your
preferred time zone. The files can be found in
Execute quickfabric_bootstrap.sql
script against your RDS instance. This
script will create the QuickFabric schema with all tables and populate them
with the necessary starter data.
Follow the standard deployment process.
and password intuit
is used to store this verified email address. Follow the followingConfigure Application under Administration->Config Management->Application Configs
specifies the email address from whom users will receive emailsdaily_report_scheduler
, weekly_report_scheduler
, monthly_report_scheduler
controls whether users who have subscribedsegment_reports_scheduler
controls whether the business owner of eachrds_cleanup_scheduler
controls whether information (metrics, metadata,Notifications: create_cluster_notifications
, rotate_ami_notifications
, terminate_cluster_notifications
control whether email notifications will be sent to the comma-separated addresses specified in notification_recipients
for each of the corresponding actions.
Note: We have left a pluggable code available for SSO implementation as each company may have its own SSO implementation. Please complete SSO implementation in doLoginSSORedirect and getLoginRoleSSO method EMR login Service.
Onboard an account
: This is the URLAWS Console-> API Gateway->dev-emr-cluster-ops->Dashboard
. Sample API Url:
: Generated when you set up serverless backend. This isAWS Console-> API Gateway->dev-emr-cluster-ops->API Keys->api_gw_key
. Sample API Key:
and servicenow_enabled_account
control whetherjira_url
and snow_url
contains the full URL with path for the API callhttps://jira.yourcompanydomain.com
and snow_user
are the usernames which will be making the APIjira_password
and snow_password
are the passwords for Basic Authenticationjira_projects
contains a list of comma-separated JIRA projects thatAdministration->Config Management->User Management-> Reset Password
for performing actions on this account if you skip this step as it is a superadmin. Administration->Config Management->Account Configs
controls whether test clusterstest_cluster_ttl
specifies the amount of time in hours test clustersnotification_recipients
controls to whom notifications about clusterWe have a pretty handy help page. Navigate to /help
on your running QuickFabric
application to find more details on what QuickFabric is and how to start using it.
Update root/power user access credentials.
Store the AWS Access and Secret Key in the Credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) and export the profile.
aws_access_key_id= awsaccesskey
aws_secret_access_key= awssecretkey
export AWS_PROFILE="quickfabric_sample_profile"
Note: Please replace the above sample profile with your own before running the export command.
Or export the keys as environment variables.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="awsaccesskey"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="awssecretkey"
Refer the below AWS documentation to create user credentials.
Run below command for destroying all the resources.
go to QuickFabric/terraform
directory and execute the below command.
cd QuickFabric/terraform/
python3 terraform_wrapper.py destroy -var-file=input.tfvars -var-file=secrets.tfvars
The output will look like below
Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 46 to destroy.
Do you really want to destroy all resources in workspace "5xxxxxxxx9"?
Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.
Enter a value:
Type “yes” and enter to proceed.
destroy complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 46 destroyed
1) QuickFabric takes around ~30+ mins to destroy all the resources in the parent account
2) QuickFabric takes around ~20+ mins to destroy all the resources in each child account
3) if destroy options fails because of a timeout , then please rerun destroy command again.
Go through below link to get more info about AWS resource destroy process/duration etc
after terraform setup is done.