Assorted compression formats for the Sega Mega Drive
Assorted compression formats for the Sega Mega Drive.
The src/asm directory is licensed under a bsd 0-Clause License (0BSD). The tl;dr version is here.
Basically, you can use it however you want, and you don’t have to add credits, licenses, or anything to your hack.
I only ask for the courtesy of giving some credit if you use it, but you are not forced to do it.
The remainder is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL-3.0). The tl;dr version is here).
You need a C++ development toolchain, including cmake
at least 3.19 and Boost at least 1.54. With the dependencies installed, you run the following commands:
cmake -S . -B build -G <generator>
cmake --build build -j2
cmake --install build
Here, <generator>
is one appropriate for your platform/IDE. It can be any of the following:
MSYS Makefiles
Unix Makefiles
Visual Studio 16 2019
Some IDEs support cmake by default, and you can just ask for the IDE to configure/build/install without needing to use the terminal.