Module of React Material Tile components and grid.
🚧 This project is a work in progress, components are subject to change.
React Material Tile components were created to make Material Grid layouts easier.
These components were designed for use with React Material UI,
but they also work as stand alone components.
npm install --save react-material-tile
Displays an image, which transforms into a React Material UI card on click. Tile / card behavior is handled by default.
import MaterialTile from "react-material-tile"
<MaterialTile src={ image.png }
title="React Tile Card"
noImageInHeader // don't show image in card header
Content here
prop name | type | optional/required | description |
children | any | required | child components components, props are passed to children from MaterialTile |
tileWidth | string | optional | set width for Tile component |
tileHeight | string | optional | set height for Tile component |
CustomCard | any | optional | a custom card if you do not want to use the default Card ( React Material UI Card Component ) or if you are using these components without React Material UI |
noImageInHeader | boolean | optional | set set to true if you do not want the image from your tile displayed in left hand corner of card header, default is false |
name | string | optional | a unique identifier to assign to a tile for handling flex-box order, multiple controlled tiles, or state by uri |
src | string | required (if not using a custom avatar) | string for path to image for your avatar, right now the component only supports standard image formats, for svg add a custom avatar until this use case is supported |
title | string | optional | title shown in card header |
subtitle | string | optional | subtitle shown in card header |
import { MaterialTileCard } from "react-material-tile"
Stateless Material Tile component.
prop name | type | optional/required | description |
onClick | function | required | a function to control tile also applied to header of default Card |
import { MaterialTileGrid } from "react-material-tile"
🚧 This component is in progress.
prop name | type | optional/required | description |
row | boolean | optional | specify if cards should be organized in a row, column is default |
🚧 documentation: in progress
🚧 This component is in progress and is not currently distributed as part of this package. Allows you to use your uri to determine open / closed state of tiles. It checks the url for a component’s name and whether or not it is active, it also works with nested tiles.
Theming is optional, however, if you do decide to use a theme,
you can pass it to all Material Tile components by using the
ThemeProvider supplied by Styled components.
import React, { Component } from "react"
import MuiThemeProvider from "material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider"
import getMuiTheme from "material-ui/styles/getMuiTheme"
import lightBaseTheme from "material-ui/styles/baseThemes/lightBaseTheme"
import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components"
export class App extends Component {
render() {
return <MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={ getMuiTheme(lightBaseTheme) }>
<ThemeProvider theme={ lightBaseTheme }>
🚧 documentation: in progress
To use MaterialTile components without React Material UI, you would
just need to supply your own custom Card to MaterialTile or MaterialTileFunctional.