项目作者: san-diego-tech-hub

项目描述 :
San Diego Tech Hub website
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/san-diego-tech-hub/sdth-site.git
创建时间: 2019-02-02T23:20:20Z

开源协议:MIT License


San Diego Tech Hub Site

PRs Welcome

This site was developed with GatsbyJS and serves as the home page for San Diego Tech Hub.


Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free series How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub

System Requirements

Getting Started

  1. Fork the project (this copies the SDTH Website repository to your GitHub account)

Fork The Project

  1. Clone your fork (copies your GitHub SDTH Website repository to your local computer)

    git clone https://github.com/[your-github-username]/sdth-site.git

  2. Confirm you are in the right directory in terminal: cd sdth-site

  3. Add an upstream remote for keeping your local repository up-to-date

    git remote add upstream https://github.com/san-diego-tech-hub/sdth-site.git

  4. Run cp env.default .env.dev

  5. Grab the environment variables from a developer in the slack channel

  1. Run nvm use use the version of node identified in .nvmrc

  2. Run npm ci to install the project dependencies

  3. Run npm start to start your dev environment

Creating a new pull request

  1. Make sure you are on the development branch, and you have pulled the latest changes

    git checkout development && git pull upstream development

  2. Install any new dependencies: npm ci

  3. Create a new branch off of the development branch

    git checkout -b [NEW BRANCH NAME]

    Branch naming conventions: fix/[BRANCH] for bug fixes, feature/[BRANCH] for new features, dev/[BRANCH] for non-user-facing changes. The [BRANCH] portion should be kebab case. For example, if you want to update the README.md file, your branch could be called dev/update-readme

  4. Make changes and commit them. git add . && git commit -m "[YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE]"

    The subject of a commit message (the first line) should be 72 characters or less. If you need more room for a longer explanation of your changes, you can add a blank line below the subject and write a commit body. The commit message should be in present-imperative tense (“Update README.md” rather than “Updates” or “Updated”).

  5. Push your branch to your fork: git push -u origin [BRANCH NAME]

  6. Open a new pull request against the development branch from your fork using the GitHub user interface