Render a CSV as simple HTML Table
CSV is the simplest form of storing a tabular data. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. The use of the comma as a field separator is the source of the name for this file format. React csv to html table is a simple reactjs library that takes CSV file content as input and renders a simple HTML table.
Supports React >= v16.8.6 (Use older version of this library to support React v15)
Blog post @marudhupandiyang/react-csv-to-html-table-f7880a90bfc"">
Use for React >= v16
`npm install react-csv-to-table`
To use for React >= v15+
`npm install react-csv-to-table@0.0.1`
import { CsvToHtmlTable } from 'react-csv-to-table';
const sampleData = `
Mazda RX4,21,6,160,110,3.9,2.62,16.46,0,1,4,4
Mazda RX4 Wag,21,6,160,110,3.9,2.875,17.02,0,1,4,4
Datsun 710,22.8,4,108,93,3.85,2.32,18.61,1,1,4,1
Hornet 4 Drive,21.4,6,258,110,3.08,3.215,19.44,1,0,3,1
Hornet Sportabout,18.7,8,360,175,3.15,3.44,17.02,0,0,3,2
Duster 360,14.3,8,360,245,3.21,3.57,15.84,0,0,3,4
Merc 240D,24.4,4,146.7,62,3.69,3.19,20,1,0,4,2
Merc 230,22.8,4,140.8,95,3.92,3.15,22.9,1,0,4,2
Merc 280,19.2,6,167.6,123,3.92,3.44,18.3,1,0,4,4
Merc 280C,17.8,6,167.6,123,3.92,3.44,18.9,1,0,4,4
Merc 450SE,16.4,8,275.8,180,3.07,4.07,17.4,0,0,3,3
Merc 450SL,17.3,8,275.8,180,3.07,3.73,17.6,0,0,3,3
Merc 450SLC,15.2,8,275.8,180,3.07,3.78,18,0,0,3,3
Cadillac Fleetwood,10.4,8,472,205,2.93,5.25,17.98,0,0,3,4
Lincoln Continental,10.4,8,460,215,3,5.424,17.82,0,0,3,4
Chrysler Imperial,14.7,8,440,230,3.23,5.345,17.42,0,0,3,4
Fiat 128,32.4,4,78.7,66,4.08,2.2,19.47,1,1,4,1
Easily customizable via css using classnames
tableClassName="table table-striped table-hover"
The above code displays a table like below which is styled using bootstrap.
Property Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
data | string | Nothing | Hold the complete CSV Data. If your csv data is in a remote url , fetch it and send the contents of the file. |
hasHeader | bool | true | Tells the program to consider the first line of the provided data as the header. If hasHeader is false, then the first line will also be treated like any other row. |
csvDelimiter | string | ‘\t’ | The delimiter that seperates the columns in the text. Other possible values can include , ,’ ‘(4 spaces) |
tableClassName | string | Nothing | Set the class name for the whole table |
tableRowClassName | string | Nothing | Set the class name for each row in the table body |
tableColumnClassName | string | Nothing | Set the class name for each column in the table body |
rowKey | function | (row, rowIdx) => row-${rowIdx} |
If not passed, index of the row will be used. In case of function, the passed in function in receive row and row index as arguments as shown in default function. |
colKey | number or function | (col, colIdx, rowIdx) => col-${colIdx} |
If number, the value in the column of the specified index will be used as key. In case of function, the passed in function in receive row, col index and row index as arguments as shown in default function. |
renderCell | function? | (value, colIdx, rowIdx) => String | If specified, calls the function with the column value to allow additional preprocessing of the csv’s cell values |
Checkout example Readme