项目作者: ialtafshaikh

项目描述 :
This is a frontend application connected with a todo backend.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/ialtafshaikh/todo-app-frontend.git
创建时间: 2020-12-07T05:26:43Z

开源协议:MIT License


Todo Frontend App

This is a frintend application connected with a todo backend.

Getting Started

ToDo App is simple and awesome app to organize your tasks with very easy to use interface. ToDo can help you to make list of your tasks

  • authenticate user can create a Task
  • authenticate user can check mark their task
  • authenticate user can delete their the task
  • user can create an account- UI interface is provided for the same
  • user can login - UI interface is provided for the same
  • user can logout

Additional Features

  1. Fully Mobile Responsive App
  2. data is persistence on backend server
  3. user can filter the todos: All, Completed, Uncompleted
  4. powered by backend server
  5. data is stored in mongoDB Cloud
  6. can be use by multiple users


  • You need to have a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, variables, arrays, functions and objects under your belt.
  • Additionally, you need to have Git, VScode text editor installed on your computer.
  • know the usage of fetch-api to make api calls
  • authorization headers
  • authorization token - JWT
  • cookies

VS code Extension

  • Live server to run the project. Click here to see download instructions and how to use live server to tun the project

Sample Working


Downloading and Running this Project Locally

  1. clone the repository using below command
    1. git clone https://github.com/ialtafshaikh/todo-app.git
  2. And run the index.html using Live server


To Host the Project I had used Github Pages. To learn more visit her

Live Demo of this Project

live hosted link



altaf shaikh


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details