项目作者: hengxin

项目描述 :
Resources on Causal Consistency
项目地址: git://github.com/hengxin/causal-consistency.git
创建时间: 2019-07-24T07:03:13Z

开源协议:MIT License


ITC2008 Interval Tree Clocks A Logical Clock for Dynamic Systems_1649116243112.pdf
Logical Physical Clock_1649116243216.pdf
PPT2014 Interval Tree Clocks A Logical Clock for Dynamic Systems_1649116243349.pdf
PODC2015 Limitations of Highly-Available Eventually-Consistent Data Stores_1649116243460.pdf
TR2011 Consistency Availability and Convergence _1649116243567.pdf
DC1995 Causal Memory Definitions Implementations and Programming_1649116243711.pdf
NOW2014 Principles of Eventual Consistency_1649116245877.pdf
PPoPP2016 Causal Consistency Beyond Memory_1649116246456.pdf
TR2013 Understanding Eventual Consistency_1649116247124.pdf
EuroSys2013 ChainReaction A Causal+ Consistent Datastore Based on Chain Replication_1649116247746.pdf
EuroSys2017 Saturn A Distributed Metadata Service for Causal Consistency_1649116248116.pdf
ICDCS2016 Cure Strong Semantics Meets High Availability and Low Latency_1649116248293.pdf
NSDI2006 PRACTI Replication_1649116248439.pdf
NSDI2013 (Lloyd) Stronger Semantics for Low-Latency Geo-Replicated Storage_1649116248826.pdf
OSDI2010 Depot Cloud Storage with Minimal Trust_1649116249147.pdf
SIGMOD2019 MongoDB Implementation of Cluster-wide Logical Clock and Causal Consistency in MongoDB_1649116251015.pdf
SOSP1997 Bayou Flexible Update Propagation for Weakly Consistent Replication_1649116252502.pdf
SOSP2011 Do Not Settle for Eventual Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS_1649116253752.pdf
SOSP2011 Walter Transactional Storage for Geo-Replicated Systems_1649116254590.pdf
SoCC2013 Orbe Scalable Causal Consistency_1649116254915.pdf
SoCC2014 GentleRain Cheap and Scalable Causal Consistency with Physical Clocks_1649116255127.pdf
TC1990 Coda A Highly Available File System for a_1649116255324.pdf
TCS1992 Providing High Availability Using Lazy Replication_1649116256515.pdf
POPL2017 On Verifying Causal Consistency_1649116257335.pdf
COS418 (Wyatt Lloyd) Scalable Causal Consistency_1649116260182.pdf
COS418 (Wyatt Lloyd) Scalable Causal Consistency_1649749086140.pdf
POPL2017 On Verifying Causal Consistency_1649749085035.pdf
SoCC2013 Orbe Scalable Causal Consistency_1649749083909.pdf
SoCC2014 GentleRain Cheap and Scalable Causal Consistency with Physical Clocks_1649749084034.pdf
TC1990 Coda A Highly Available File System for a_1649749084150.pdf
TCS1992 Providing High Availability Using Lazy Replication_1649749084540.pdf
SOSP1997 Bayou Flexible Update Propagation for Weakly Consistent Replication_1649749082831.pdf
SOSP2011 Do Not Settle for Eventual Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS_1649749083456.pdf
SOSP2011 Walter Transactional Storage for Geo-Replicated Systems_1649749083756.pdf
OSDI2010 Depot Cloud Storage with Minimal Trust_1649749081872.pdf
SIGMOD2019 MongoDB Implementation of Cluster-wide Logical Clock and Causal Consistency in MongoDB_1649749082231.pdf
TR2013 Understanding Eventual Consistency_1649749080973.pdf
EuroSys2013 ChainReaction A Causal+ Consistent Datastore Based on Chain Replication_1649749081171.pdf
EuroSys2017 Saturn A Distributed Metadata Service for Causal Consistency_1649749081390.pdf
ICDCS2016 Cure Strong Semantics Meets High Availability and Low Latency_1649749081534.pdf
NSDI2006 PRACTI Replication_1649749081685.pdf
NSDI2013 (Lloyd) Stronger Semantics for Low-Latency Geo-Replicated Storage_1649749081771.pdf
DC1995 Causal Memory Definitions Implementations and Programming_1649749080003.pdf
NOW2014 Principles of Eventual Consistency_1649749080503.pdf
PPoPP2016 Causal Consistency Beyond Memory_1649749080834.pdf
PPT2014 Interval Tree Clocks A Logical Clock for Dynamic Systems_1649749079095.pdf
PODC2015 Limitations of Highly-Available Eventually-Consistent Data Stores_1649749079458.pdf
TR2011 Consistency Availability and Convergence _1649749079645.pdf
ITC2008 Interval Tree Clocks A Logical Clock for Dynamic Systems_1649749078699.pdf
Logical Physical Clock_1649749078877.pdf