A Quantum K-Nearest Neighbors classifier
A Quantum K nearest neighbour based on the paper
Quantum Algorithm for K-Nearest Neighbors Classification Based on the Metric of Hamming Distance
Yue Ruan Xiling Xue Heng Liu Jianing Tan Xi Li
This implementation condiders a dataset of numbers 0-8 in binary form and classify it into even or odd.
the results are not stable as the vector dimension of data point is 3 and the number of points are 6 (too low!!)
reqirement = {
'qiskit-terra': '0.16.1',
'qiskit-aer': '0.7.1',
'qiskit-ignis': '0.5.1',
'qiskit-ibmq-provider': '0.11.1',
'qiskit-aqua': '0.8.1',
'qiskit': '0.23.1'