International Data Analysis Olympiad - online round
25th place on the first track (out of 1315 participants)
40 place on the overall leaderboard (sum of track 1 and track 2) (out of 1315 participants)
The task is to build a classifier that would distinguish muons from non-muons in the LHCb detector.
Full task description + features explanation
Stacking of 2 models:
LightGBM model trained on lightgbm-encoded categorical features.
HyperParameters:{‘max_depth’:7, ‘objective’:’binary’, ‘learning_rate’:0.2,’num_leaves’:64,’min_data_in_leaf’:15, ‘num_iterations’:90}
LightGBM model trained on one-hot-encoded categorical features.
HyperParameters:{‘max_depth’:9, ‘objective’:’binary’, ‘learning_rate’:0.2,’num_leaves’:128,’min_data_in_leaf’:15, ‘num_iterations’:90}
P_PT = P - PT.
The difference between momentum and the component of the momentum, which is parallel to the beam.
P_PT_P = (P - PT) / P.
Same as above, normalized by momentum.
The {X,Y,Z} positions, timing (T) and uncertainty of the Matched hit coordinates, also known as pad size of the closest hit for each of 4 stations
Absolute value of hit {X/Y} coordinates for each of 4 stations.
closest_hits_generator.ipynb - Generate closest hits features and save to a file
LGBM.ipynb - first LGBM model.
LGBM_dummies.ipynb - second LGBM model
Main.ipynb - meta-model