FUll-LEngth Transcriptome Analysis
Toolkit for full length transcriptome annotation analysis, including isoform diversity, alternative splicing among transcripts, comparison to known transcriptome, splicing coupling, and their consequences on ORF diveristy.
Transcript isoform diversity analysis
Alternative splicing events
Comparison to known transcriptome annotation
Co-occurrence of alternative RNA processing events analysis
ORF diversity analysis
git clone https://github.com/sunlightwang/FuLeTA.git
cd FuLeTA
Expected time: a couple of minutes
Description: Comparing each isoform to its nearest isoform in the annotation collection
Usage: IsoDiv.pl
Description: Pairwise comparison for isoform differences in the same gene locus
Usage: IsoPairwiseCmp.pl
Description: Comparing one collection of transcript isoforms to an existing (e.g. RefSeq) collection
Usage: cmpIso2known.pl
Note: The comparison results would be useful for investigating co-occurrence of alternative RNA processing events
Description: Comparing one collection of open reading frames (ORFeome) to an existing (e.g. RefSeq) collection
Usage: cmpORF2known.pl
IsoDiv.pl example_data/FLT.rn6.chr15.refflat example_data/FLT.rn6.chr15.IsoDiv
IsoPairwiseCmp.pl example_data/FLT.rn6.chr15.refflat example_data/FLT.rn6.chr15.IsoPairwiseCmp
cmpIso2known_v2.pl example_data/FLT.rn6.chr15.refflat example_data/RefSeq.rn6.chr15.refflat example_data/FLT.rn6.chr15.cmpFLT2RefSeq
cmpORF2known_v3.pl example_data/FLT.rn6.chr15.bed example_data/RefSeq_CDS.rn6.chr15.bed example_data/FLT.rn6.chr15.cmpFLTORF2RefSeq
Expected time: a couple of minutes
xi (dot) wang (at) dkfz (dot) de
for bug reporting or requiring additional functionality