项目作者: libpull

项目描述 :
Memory footprint evaluation of ECDSA
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/libpull/ecdsa_memory_footprint.git
创建时间: 2017-11-12T15:48:32Z

开源协议:MIT License


ECDSA Memory Footprint

This repository includes scripts and code to evaluate the memory
footprint of some libraries implementing
and SHA-256


The comparison considers just the secp256r1 curve, that is implemented
by all this libraries:

Some considerations

The difference in size is mainly related to the complexity and the set of
features present in the libraries.

The goal of this comparison is to find the smallest library to implement
ECDSA validation inside a bootloader that must be as small
as possible. For this reason the set of features included in many libraries
are not needed in this application.


The result of this comparison for Posix systems can be seen in the table below.
This size includes also the size of the main;

tinydtls 3800 7531 9888
polarssl 6056 23046 27735
matrixssl 3864 29103 34022
micro-ecc / 8970 /
tinycrypt 3656 8968 11241
wolfssl 4592 31443 34777
libtomcrypt 4354 35959 38256
  • micro-ecc does not includes the digest calculation;
  • libtomcrypt does not contains all the symbols of libtommath that is loaded at runtime;


The build system has been tested with an Ubuntu Trusty machine. I’m providing
a reproducible environment using Vagrant. Type vagrant up and vagrant ssh
to open a shell into the VM and then run the ./run.sh script located
in the shared /vagrant folder. If everything was successfull at the end of the
build you should seen a table containing the various memory footprint.