项目作者: damo-da

项目描述 :
Benchmark multiple python functions using f- and t-tests
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/damo-da/benchmark-functions-python.git
创建时间: 2017-05-18T07:22:09Z

开源协议:MIT License



Compare multiple Python functions and statistically compare their speeds


Interpreter support

  • Python 3
  • Python 2
  • ~PyPy~ (scipy is incompatible with PyPy)

Requirements and Installation

  • Install Python and virtualenv. Then run the following:
    ``` bash


    virtualenv bfs
    source bfs/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the program,

python main.py

And whenever you’re done using the software


Use cases

Suppose you have a specific kind of dataset and you want to compare the efficiency of various sorting algorithms. You want to know whether binary trees are better worse than hashtables. You want to compare which implementation of code is faster, or maybe what runs faster on Python. If you have that kind of need then this repo is for you.

As an example, functions.py contains various implementations of insertion sort algorithm. For most part, they are the same but each of them contains a crucial difference which marks the thing that we want to compare.

Statistical approaches

  • Compute mean and variance
  • Compte z-score.
  • Visual representation of data (uncommend this line).
  • Outlier fix. Anything not within -OUTLIER_MARGIN \< z-score \< +OUTLIER_MARGIN is considered an outlier.
  • 1-way ANOVA is used to calculate t* score and p-value.


  • The more the p-value, the more likely that the functions perform similarly.
  • The lesser the p-value, the more likely that one founction outperforms another.
  • Don’t forget to read the annotations for compare() in main.py.
  • And if you want to run the batch processor (runner.bash), change the second range of runner.bash, from 0 to the total number of tests that you’re running.


Damodar Dahal


The MIT License.