Create stoichiometric metabolic network models of single-species or multi-species communities
CommModelPy is a collection of Python dataclasses and associated functions which aim to help one in generating stoichiometric metabolic models of communities which consist of one or multiple species. All dataclasses and functions are based on cobrapy.
The underlying methods for the generation and analysis of the community models is explained in more detail in CommModelPy’s source code documentation.
An exemplary usage of CommModelPy is given in its publiation (Bekiaris & Klamt, in submission).
You can install CommModelPy as Python module from PyPI using pip:
- pip install commmodelpy
Afterwards, you can use CommModelPy just as any other Python module using import in your Python session/script:
In order to import CommModelPy's main script with all major dataclasses and functions and which is called "", you can import it using
- import commmodelpy
- import commmodelpy.commmodelpy
If you don’t want to use CommModelPy as PyPI module, you can also download this repository directly. The main script file is the Python script in the “commmodelpy” subfolder.
If you want to run the reaction dG0 calulations performed in the course of CommModelPy’s publication results (see next chapter), you also have to install the eQuilibrator API (not affiliated with CommModelPy or its developers) which is not included here due to its large download size of >1GB. You can download the API as follows from PyPI:
- pip install equilibrator-api
A documentation of CommModelPy’s features and functions can be found in the “docs/commmodelpy/“ subfolder of this repository. The documentation’s starting point is “index.html”. The whole documentation was generated using pdoc3.
You can also access CommModelPy’s documentation using Python’s help function after importing CommModelPy, e.g. for the whole module:
- help(commmodelpy)
CommModelPy is described and used in the following publication:
CommModelPy is free and open source, using the Apache License, Version 2