项目作者: ashwamegh

项目描述 :
A package which creates preview for the URLs containing data
高级语言: Vue
项目地址: git://github.com/ashwamegh/vue-link-preview.git
创建时间: 2020-04-25T14:19:42Z

开源协议:MIT License



For use with Vue 2, Use the v2 instructions here.

Vue Link Preview

A Vuejs component to fetch metadata from a URL and preview it

Inspired by link-preview-generator and link-prevue 🙏

MIT Licence
Open Source Love
Build Status
@ashwamegh/vue-link-preview">npm version
Netlify Status

Buy Me A Coffee

NOTE: This utilizes https://github.com/ashwamegh/link-preview-generator-server server deployed on Azure, a free web server which can run 30 minutes in a day. If you want to use it in a PRODUCTION app, I would recommend you to use your own server (You can use the Dockerfile or the Docker hub image for deploying link-preview-generator-server) and provide the custom link of the API for customDomain in the Component Props


Table of Contents



  1. npm install @ashwamegh/vue-link-preview


  1. yarn add @ashwamegh/vue-link-preview

UMD build

  1. <script src="https://unpkg.com/@ashwamegh/vue-link-preview/dist/vuelinkpreview.umd.js"></script>


With Options API

  1. <script>
  2. import LinkPreview from "@ashwamegh/vue-link-preview";
  3. export default {
  4. components: {
  5. LinkPreview
  6. },
  7. methods: {
  8. handleClick(preview) {
  9. console.log(
  10. "click",
  11. preview.domain,
  12. preview.title,
  13. preview.description,
  14. preview.img
  15. );
  16. }
  17. }
  18. };
  19. </script>
  20. <template>
  21. <div id="app">
  22. <vue-link-preview
  23. url="https://vuejs.org/"
  24. @on-click="handleClick"
  25. ></vue-link-preview>
  26. </div>
  27. </template>

With Composition API

  1. <script setup>
  2. import LinkPreview from "@ashwamegh/vue-link-preview";
  3. const handleClick = preview => {
  4. console.log(
  5. "click",
  6. preview.domain,
  7. preview.title,
  8. preview.description,
  9. preview.img
  10. );
  11. };
  12. </script>
  13. <template>
  14. <div id="app">
  15. <LinkPreview url="https://vuejs.org/" @on-click="handleClick">
  16. </LinkPreview>
  17. </div>
  18. </template>

With custom layout (With Vue Slots)

For replacing the Loader, you can add this html:

  1. <vue-link-preview url="https://vuejs.org/" @on-click="handleClick">
  2. <template v-slot:loader>
  3. loader...
  4. </template>
  5. </vue-link-preview>
  6. <!------------------- OR USE THIS ------------------->
  7. <LinkPreview url="https://vuejs.org/" @on-click="handleClick">
  8. <template v-slot:loader>
  9. loader...
  10. </template>
  11. </LinkPreview>

For replacing the content layout, you can use this:

  1. <vue-link-preview url="https://vuejs.org/" @on-click="handleClick">
  2. <template v-slot:default="preview">
  3. <div>
  4. <p>Domain: {{ preview.domain }}</p>
  5. <p>Title: {{ preview.title }}</p>
  6. <p>Description: {{ preview.description }}</p>
  7. <img
  8. height="100px"
  9. width="100px"
  10. :src="preview.img"
  11. :alt="preview.title "
  12. />
  13. </div>
  14. </template>
  15. </vue-link-preview>

All together with loader and default slot, it’ll look like this:

  1. <vue-link-preview url="https://vuejs.org/" @on-click="handleClick">
  2. <template v-slot:loader>
  3. loader...
  4. </template>
  5. <template v-slot:default="preview">
  6. <div>
  7. <p>Domain: {{ preview.domain }}</p>
  8. <p>Title: {{ preview.title }}</p>
  9. <p>Description: {{ preview.description }}</p>
  10. <img
  11. height="100px"
  12. width="100px"
  13. :src="preview.img"
  14. :alt="preview.title "
  15. />
  16. </div>
  17. </template>
  18. </vue-link-preview>

More Examples here


Property Type Default Description Required
url string URL of the page you need the preview for true
customDomain string https://lpdg-server.azurewebsites.net/parse/link Custom Server API link which can parse the metadata of the page false
width string 90% Width of the card preview false
maxWidth string 700px Max Width of the card preview false
marginTop string 18px Margin top for the card false
marginBottom string 18px Margin bottom for the card false
marginRight string 18px Margin right for the card false
marginLeft string 18px Margin left for the card false
canOpenLink boolean true Enables, to open link when clicked on card false


Name Description
onClick It emits the preview data

Note: If you want to use click event without opening the url, then pass :canOpenLink="false" in the props


Thanks for taking the time to contribute, please check out the src to understand how things work.

Reporting Issues

Found a problem? Want a new feature? First of all, see if your issue or idea has already been reported.
If don’t, just open a new clear and descriptive issue.

Submitting pull requests

Pull requests are the greatest contributions, so be sure they are focused in scope and do avoid unrelated commits.

  • Fork it!
  • Clone your fork: git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/vue-link-preview
  • Navigate to the newly cloned directory: cd vue-link-preview
  • Create a new branch for the new feature: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Install the tools necessary for development: yarn
  • Make your changes.
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request with full remarks documenting your changes


MIT License © Shashank Shekhar