A Vue basic select component
The most common use case is pass options to component vue-select, and bind a model to sync values with parent.
Vue.component('v-selectbox', vSelectBox);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
options: [
{id:1,label:'option 1'},
{id:2,label:'option 2'},
{id:3,label:'option 3'},
{id:4,label:'option 4'}],
selectedVal: null
<v-selectbox class="v-select-box" v-bind:options="options" v-model="selectedVal"></v-selectbox>
<v-selectbox class="v-select-box" v-bind:disabled="isDisabled" v-bind:options="options" v-model="selectedVal"
data-default="Select" data-key-name="label" data-val-name="id"></v-selectbox>
Accepted options:
Option name | value | required/default |
v-bind:options | array | required |
v-model | vue data object | required |
data-default | default select label | default: Select |
data-key-name | option key | default: name |
data-val-name | option value | default: id |
v-bind:disabled | true/false | default: false |