项目作者: wiredmartian

项目描述 :
C# console utility app that uses TinyPNG API to compress images in a root directory and subdirectories.
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/wiredmartian/TiniKompressor.git
创建时间: 2018-11-16T13:51:56Z




Simple C# Console utility app that tranverses the folder structure and locates image files in the root and subdirectories.
It then compresses all the images using the TinyPNG API.

How To Run

  1. Go to https://tinypng.com/developers to create an API
  2. Add the key in App.config on the line <add key="TinyKey" value="API KEY"></add>
  3. Run the app
  4. Paste the path to the folder with files you wanna to compress, e.g C:\Dev\Hac\Awesome Stuff